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Emily took one last look in the mirror before her assistant/intern/driver Melody opened the sleek black Bugatti door. Emily threw her Blue Crocodile Hermes Birkin Handbag in Melody's face. The poor girl tripped backwards landing awkwardly on her back.

"My Birkin can NOT touch the ground you dumb fuck!" Kylie barked, "I don't pay you for nothing!"

"You don't pay me period," Melody responded, stumbling back on her feet.

Emily clomped across the parking lot, ignoring the flashes, and hordes of paparazzi. She thought coming here early in the morning would mean less people but she was wrong, as with most things. Today though, none of that mattered. Today was Emily's day.

She had finalized a two-year contract with Victoria's Secret just before her twenty-second birthday and she was planning on treating herself. She brushed her naturally highlighter yellow hair over her shoulders down to her knees and trudged into the Del Taco building.

"Melyna, get me one of everything on the menu, to go," Emily instructed, sitting down.

"My name's Melody," she mumbled.

"Shut up," Emily said, trying to conceal any sign of excitement in the slightest.

You see Emily had been living on a diet of one grape a day for the past three months, and, as much as she did not want to admit it, she was dying for something else. She wasn't going to eat it all herself of course. She was hosting a brunch in two hours and the food items were all for her guests. All except for Del Taco's signature breakfast burrito.

The first batch of food was ready and Emily quickly jumped up to snatch her burrito. She had her prized possession right in her lengthy stiletto claws but wanted to wait until she was in the privacy of her sound-proofed car to eat.

She stormed out of the Del Taco when a ball of fur came barreling down the street. Like an avalanche, the beast knocked her off of her twelve inch heels. Her burrito splattered on the ground. The dirty white cat quickly gobbled it up.

Emily was furious. She tried giving the cat the heimlich maneuver as shown on Attaway General but to no avail. Desperate for her snack she started repeatedly punching the massive animal until it threw up every last bit of egg from its mouth.

"WINSTON!" a tiny woman let out. The figure wrapped herself in a visibly musty cardigan.The oddly familiar woman frantically tried crossing the street but got hit by a 2 x 4 truck before making it to the Taco Bell where this had all taken place. The woman gave off big English teacher vibes but Emily might have attended 5 days of middle and high school combined at the very most so she wouldn't know. Emily collapsed. Her poor burrito. Poor her. She sobbed violently with a completely blank expression on her face to minimize wrinkles as the paparazzi continued taking photos of her.

"EMILY... What the hell!" Melody screamed as she walked out, multiple boxes in hand, "I mean, Ms. Boothayhoele."

"Melissa! Just LOOK at what this MONSTER did to my burrito!" she pointed at the puddle of vomit located next to the nearly bald corpse, deeply hurt.

"That's still not my name..." Melody took a deep breath to stop herself from committing a bigger crime, "Oh the breakfast burrito? Girl- I mean, ma'am, I bought two," she said, handing another breakfast burrito to the distraught supermodel.

"Oh, okay! let's go," she said, fleeing the scene with a full heart and a soon-to-be even fuller stomach.

Del Taco: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now