#19 Game ended or just began?

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Xiao and the others were faced with a dilemma, caught between the complexities of right and wrong. Ning, torn by empathy, expressed that the captor had no ill intention but still was forced by destiny to work against his own laws.
"Hmm... But from what I think he was  was both reasonable and unreasonable, fueled by a tragic desire for revenge.  He just wanted to live with his loved ones and now that they killed her, he wants revenge. Neither side can be justified" Said Ning. "Wait a minute, then why Xiao, huh? Mr. Lin?? Why did you capture Xiaobo" Asked Lian with frowned face.
Lian, with a furrowed brow, sought answers about the capture of Xiaobo. I
"I had to collect the blood from the girls who are born in the night. They have that specific energy that we demons can only use to our benefit. I was first targeting the only girls who killed my Ya Li. But then I needed more blood. So I thought that I would capture a few, take some of their blood and leave them back from where I kidnaped them. Really. It was my true intention. I don't harm the people who haven't harmed me. Even though my belief on them have disappeared. And Xiaobo as a women told about his birthday when I asked him disguised as the old lady. So I captured him. " Said Fu Lin while caressing Ya Li's cheek and smiling. The intention was to target those responsible for her death, but desperation led to broader abductions.
"Mr.Lin, you need to understand. One can be revived if the person is still breathing. But Mrs. Li was gone for more than two years. What you are doing is futile. You need to wake up from your dreams" Said Lian. Hearing this, Fu Lin starts laughing. And then tears also came from his eyes.
"You think I am being delusional, right? Well, I very well know that my Ya Li can't be recovered. And I will also go along with her to accompany her after life. I might be two years late to meet, but I am sure she will forgive me. But on the other hand, aren't you being delusional Lian? " Asked Fu Lin while wiping his tears.
The room echoed with the weight of sorrow, a tragic dance between loss, revenge, and the haunting pursuit of an irretrievable past.
From a distance, the thundering sound of approaching horses cut through the tension. Ming's eyes widened in shock.
Ming: "Oh no!!  Wei brother along with his men is here!!!"
Xiao: "WHAT!!???"
Ming, rubbing his nape awkwardly: "I may have called Zhao Wei brother to help, as you were kidnapped. But I did not expect him to bring so many people over here!!"
Xiaobo, taking charge: "Uff Wei brother!! What to do? Okay Ming, you created the mess. Now, you go and solve. Leave here to me. Ning, you also go. We will bring the girls outside. Mr. Lin does not seem to have any intention of keeping the girls now."
"Okay, then be careful. I will tell Wei brother that everything is under control. But we will wait outside. We will be waiting, okay?" Said Ming.
Ming dashed off in a panic, followed by Ning, leaving the others to grapple with the unexpected arrival of  his Wei brother along with his men, adding a layer of urgency to an already tense situation.
Lian, perplexed, questioned Fu Lin about his accusation of being delusional. Xiaobo, having joined the conversation, stood nearby, his curiosity piqued by the unfolding dialogue.
Lian: "What do you mean by being delusional?"
Fu Lin, with a cryptic smile: "Ohh! So you are not ready to admit what you are in front of him? Do you think he will accept you after revealing? I don't think so. Not everyone is like Ya Li. She knew about me and still accepted me. I did not hide anything from her. Love has no secrets."
Lian, defensive and uncertain, retorted: "I don't know what you are talking about," her gaze fixed on the ground as she clenched her fists.
The air thickened with unspoken tension, leaving Xiaobo and Lian caught in the web of Fu Lin's cryptic revelations. Fu Lin's words hung in the air, creating a suspenseful atmosphere, as Lian struggled to conceal whatever hidden truth lay beneath the surface of her guarded demeanor. The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the unraveling of secrets and the impact they would have on the intricate dynamics at play.
In the charged atmosphere, Fu Lin's proclamation hung in the air like a harbinger of impending revelation. With a sudden surge of energy, he unleashed a surprise attack, targeting both Xiaobo and Lian simultaneously. The room erupted in chaos.
Fu Lin, fueled by an inexplicable force, launched dark spheres of black smoke towards the unsuspecting duo. Xiaobo, ever the protector, leaped into action, rushing towards Lian, disregarding the attack directed at him. He deftly swung his rod, deflecting one sphere but missed the second.
Lian, seemingly vulnerable, was shielded by Xiaobo, who braced himself for the impact. However, to his bewilderment, nothing happened. When he opened his eyes, a breathtaking transformation had taken place. Lian was embracing him , but not the Lian he knew.
Her once brown eyes now shimmered with an otherworldly green brilliance, reflecting the mysteries of a hidden realm. Long, flowing black hair cascaded around her, and an intricate arrangement of sturdy branches enveloped them like a protective sphere with white light glowing around Lian. In this moment of transformation, she appeared otherworldly, a vision of beauty and strength that held Xiaobo spellbound.
The room, once filled with chaos, now hushed in awe as Xiaobo couldn't tear his gaze away from this extraordinary manifestation of Lian. The dramatic turn of events left an indelible impression, a moment of beauty and mystique amid the turmoil, as if nature itself had intervened to protect them from the darkness that sought to engulf them.
Xiaobo, breathless with awe, whispered his admiration, unable to tear his gaze away from the transformed Lian.
Xiaobo: "You... Look... So BEAUTIFUL!!"
Lian, still overwhelmed by the emotional whirlwind, questioned Xiaobo with vulnerability in her eyes.
Lian: "You are not afraid of me?... you don't find me weird?!"
Xiaobo, his gaze filled with genuine love, responded with a reassuring smile.
Xiaobo: "I don't. You look like a fairy to me. I don't mind who you are. I loved you, your soul, not your appearance. So no matter in what you change, I will love you."
Lian, her eyes still reflecting traces of doubt, hesitated before revealing the deep-rooted secret.
Lian: "I am a thousand-year flower who just turned human. Please keep this a secret, will you?"
Xiaobo, now a keeper of a profound secret, nodded with sincerity.
Xiaobo: "Okay, this secret will never be told to any other soul, I promise."
Their exchange held a poignant beauty, a moment of acceptance and devotion that transcended the fantastical nature of Lian's transformation. The air was charged with an unspoken understanding, as they navigated the delicate balance between the magical and the mundane, their love proving resilient against the backdrop of mystery and revelation.
As Lian gently removed the branches, the enchanting image of her transformation dissolved, revealing her familiar form. Xiaobo, still captivated by the magical moment, held her hand with unwavering affection. However, their attention shifted to Fu Lin, who stood with a bittersweet smile, tears streaming down his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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