SS-The Genius

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Amikura Mako POV-

5th June

"Hey guys, look who's joining us for lunch? It's the Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." I announced loudly gaining the attention of not only my friends but the whole cafeteria.

"Why are you announcing me, like I am a celebrity?" the humble Ayanokouji - Humblekouji asked.

"Because you are one dummy." he looked confused.

"Anyways, meet Shibata Sou, Hamaguchi Tetsuya, Beppu Ryouta, Andou Sayo and Kobashi Yume." I introduced him to my friends.

"Hey, nice to meet you all." he waved politely. Everyone waved back and greeted him.

"Come on sit down, for how long do you plan to just stand there?" I said by signalling him to sit down in the empty seat beside me.

"So, Ichinose is not here?" he asked as he sat down.

"Why is someone missing her? Am I not enough for you? Oh, the betrayal." I said in a dramatic way by wiping my fake tears.

"You know why I am asking, most of the time she is with you." he said, apparently unaffected by my acting.

"She is busy today. She has her student council interview. Hopefully, she gets in."

"Yeah, she is the most qualified for the position. I heard she was the student council president in her last school." said Sayo-chan.

"I don't know, it might sound selfish but if she is admitted in the student council. She wouldn't be able to have enough time to lead our class. Plus, she wouldn't hang out with us." said Sou-kun.

"Nah, don't worry about that. I am sure she wouldn't just abandon us." Sayo-chan argued .

"Yeah, Sou-kun. She wouldn't, or are you worried that you wouldn't be able to spend some time with her?" I asked him with a teasing smile.

"I know that you are teasing, but I am serious here." he said seriously.

"You are no fun."

As I looked at Ayanokouji-kun, he was staring at a blonde guy who was enjoying his time with girls.

“He seems really popular. Those girls around him are all third years.” I said.

Ayanokouji-kun looked back at me.

"Oh yeah, he is from my class. His name is Kouenji. The only thing I know is that he is rich and heir to a conglomerate." he said.

I overheard some of the conversation between Kouenji and the older girls.

"Here, Kouenji-kun, say ‘Ahh!’” one of them said.

“Ha ha! Just as I thought, more mature girls are the best.”

He certainly didn’t act shy at all around the third-year ladies. Rather, he ate his food while they practically pressed up against him.

“That guy is really something else,” Ayanokouji-kun muttered.

“What about you, Ayanokouji-kun? Do you like girls like Honami-chan?” I asked.

"Huh, I don't know. I mean, I guess whoever isn't disgusted by me?" he said with hesitation.

"Disgusted? You are joking, right?"

His didn't look like he was joking.

"Oh, you're serious. Well, know now something, Ayanokouji-kun? You’ve caught the girl's eyes for a little while now. You’re on a first-year student's ranking chart.”

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