Vol-1 Ch-4.75 The Keyaki Mall

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At 6 pm, I met Matsushita in the lobby and we walked towards Keyaki mall.

We followed the sign boards and reached the mall, it was a five above the ground storeys and two basement storeys mall complex, easily one of the biggest structure in the campus. Covering 128,000 sq m. it had a enormous tree-like LED installation is placed at the main entrance, many students were taking selfies with it.

Entering from the main entrance, the west wing - high-end fashion walk offers a luxurious shopping experience with bright and elegant atmosphere.

The east wing - Entertainment Hotspot provides leisure entertainment that houses game zones and Dolby Cinema, supplemented with a warm and relaxing ambience.

At the central atrium - interactive cultural gallery, the natural sunlight and scenery are injected into the interiors, enhancing the exterior-interior interaction.

The rooftop - Four Season Garden is filled with landscape to create a serene environment.

We started exploring from the top and made our way to the bottom. Many people gave us looks as we were walking together.

The above ground floors consisted of many famous fashion or food chain but the basement floors were the interesting part.

Most of the students here were from 2nd or 3rd year and the stores were selling local or cheap products as opposed to the branded and expensive goods that were sold on the upper floors.

While exploring the second basement we came up on a peculiar store. If you didn't pay attention then it would come off as a junk store. But I saw an opportunity.

Matsushita and I entered the store, it had everything from electronics, furniture, kitchen equipment to recreational items.

The store was mostly empty, the products were the same branded one's sold above but by the looks of it they weren't new, although the prices were exponentially less compared to the original.

A clerk came to us and asked what we were looking for.

"I assume these are second hand products, right?"

"Yes sir, the things that are left behind by the graduating students or are sold to us by students who need points, are displayed here. "

"Why would students need more points , aren't they already getting 100k points? "

"You guys don't know? Oh! Are you from the first year? There are rare instances when the first years come to this floor. Well, some students just want to return the expensive stuff they already bought and don't want to use in exchange for points, not that they need anymore."

It was a nice save by him, but I am not falling for that.

"Don't worry, I already know about the points system here. We get points according to our evaluation done by the school."

"What! How? There has never been a student who figured it out on the first day."

"I guess, I got lucky, but I want to ask why are the prices different for the same stuff. Like the television over there is for 5,000 points whereas these are for just 500."

"The prices depends on the state of the product, the 5,000 points one is second hand but still works whereas these have issues, either they don't work at all or are damaged. "

Hearing this, a little idea came into my mind.

"But they can be repaired right?"

"Yes, but you need the skills and the required parts. Most students don't have the required skillset to repair these, so these just get dusty sitting here. Although there is a shop in the campus which sells spare electronic parts, I can give you the location if you want."

Well most normal highschoolers wouldn't know how to handle complex circuits, or electronic equipment but I certainly could.

After this, I went on a shopping spree, buying television, refrigerator, oven and other things. At the end I only had to spend 4,500 points to buy everything that a well furnished house needs. The items would be directly delivered to my room. Matsushita did the same when I promised her that I will repair her stuff as well as a payment for my cooking classes. Now, I will be learning cooking for free. In the midst of all this, I saw a yogurt maker. I don't know what possessed me but I wanted to buy it. We took our leave from the store and went back to our dorm room.

And thus finally ends the chaotic first day of my high school life.


Finished another chapter although it took time, my exams are going on so updates will be a little slow until mid March. Although I will try to post atleast two chapters a week.

From next chapter we will return to the main story.

I understand, if last two chapters were a little underwhelming due to all the description but I wanted to explore the campus as much as possible. In the LN we have little to no description about keyaki mall or rest of the school.

Lastly we completed 2k views. It's amazing to see when something you do is recognized by others.

Trust me when we reach the special exams, it would get so much better.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Have a wonderful day.

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