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Staring at the wooden table that we all sit around; I breathe through my nose. Calming my senses. My brows stay furrowed.

"And you are sure it took the dime from you?" Cassian insists. Sat next to me, I look at my brother coolly, who sits relaxed, slung on his chair.

"Very sure, Cass." He huffs & looks towards Rhys in response.

"I haven't heard of it doing such things before." Rhys questions.

"It's presence is too large of a risk to my shadows. One wrong move, and it will take them from me. They could not be of much help." I explain. There are only a small number of reasons my shadows dissipate. And one of which is the risk certain entities hold. The risk, in which this one posed, was for them to be absorbed into the mist as if no attachment to me exist. I would never let such happen.

Rhys nods in understanding his eyes drooping to the floor in thought.

"I would've been able to do it". The witty voice across from me chirps up. I raise my eyes from under my brows to meet hers. She flashes a grin, white and crisp. Ever so perfect, if it weren't for the challenge that lay beyond it. I disregard her tests, blanking her, offering an expression of boredom. Raising her eyebrows, Alira drifts her eyes to Rhys.

Rhys, rolling his eyes in response, snaps back to attention. "And what was going on with you today? If you cannot focus on our missions, you won't be included in the next Lir." Rhysand expresses.

Alira's face darkens ever so slightly, almost imperceptible to the normal, untrained eye. I tilt my head slightly, as I recall her recent trend of events. A warmth crawls over the back of my neck, almost welcoming, almost comforting. I straighten my head, washing off the feelings comfort my shadows offered. What had been going on?

Not once, not twice, but on multiple occasions Alira had become vacant. I sort through my mind for possibilities. Was it a medical issue? Of course, some Fae had been cursed with fainting spells, uncontrollable and unpredictable. Was it her pure boredom & disinterest in our plans she occasionally expressed? However, I have my doubts as I eye her keenness to help her brother & protect the Night Court. Was it something Fae? The thought rings in my ears. Only time will tell.

Alira huffs turning from her brothers questioning disposition. "I don't know what to tell you Rhys. I...." She pauses, in thought, debating, to tell or not to tell. My shadows offer me nothing. "Lir..." Cassian prompts leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table.

She shifts in her seat. "It's nothing... It's confusing" she mumbles. "One moment I am there, the next, I am somewhere else, but not at the same time" She confesses.

We sit in silence, question lingering in the air.

"I don't know... all it is, is confusing to me. Perhaps I need to see Madja, she can give me some herbs. Maybe I am not sleeping enough, day dreaming." She throws her hands in the air, stressed. "But please, Rhys, let me stay on the missions, I promise I won't do it again".

And that was a lie.

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