Late night calls

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It's 1.30 am. Another lonely night drags on as you toss and turn in bed, unable to sleep. for the last 15 minutes you tried to relax by closing your eyes but you just feel restless. In desperation, you decide to call the only person who would understand and comfort you right now. your boyfie, harry.

You place your phone to your ear after calling on his number, knowing he's usually up late. but just in case he's not you just hope. Two rings and you bite down a smile finally hearing his voice on the other end.

"where are you?"

"Where do you think I would be in the middle of the night, miss y/n?" he asks playfully, you can tell by his voice he wasn't asleep.

"I mean, what are you doing?" you correct with a laugh as you notice the sound of papers rustling from his end, as if he is shuffling through pages of a book and then a quiet thud. He'd just closed his book as if he could already sense this won't be a brief convo.

"I could ask you the same thing... Why are you still up so late? isn't it past your bedtime?"

"yeah.. I can't sleep."

"hmm, well i was going to sleep soon." you make a quiet sound in response. "What's keeping you up? Are you hungry?"

"maybe... I don't know, but now you'll have to stay up with me." you hear him chuckle as you twirl your finger on your stomach. you can't stop smiling to yourself. To be honest your stomach feels a little empty, but your emotions are a little mixed because you're not sure exactly what you need right now.

"Why don't you try and eat something and see if it helps, hm?" he spins on his chair, biting his pen between his teeth as he waits for your response.

"I don't feel like getting up..."

"c'mon honey... you should take care of yourself." you sigh, curling up on the bed as his words sink in. "I will stay on the phone with you, if that's what you want." Now that's better.

"Okay, imma go find something to eat then." you grin, getting up, and paddle to the door with your phone to your ear as you walk to the kitchen. "Okay I'm here..."

"good, keep updating me." he smiles, he likes it when you listen to him.

"alright... let's check the fridge first, though I know there's nothing left in there." he remains silent while you open the fridge and then close. He hears your huff.

"so, I assume the fridge is empty."

"It is." you murmur. "I had some chips left but I don't remember where I'd put them." you check the cabinets, and find a pack of biscuits which you don't feel like eating. You close it back and check another one.

"you're such a cute mess, aren't you?" he laughs slightly.

You flush and you're somewhat thankful he can't see it even though he knows how you react to his words. "Are you gonna do something now??"

"What do you want me to do, darling? all I can do right now is listen to you."

Another huff from you was heard. Your eyes are scanning the kitchen while he continues to speak on call. Your gaze falls on the basket that is on the top of the refrigerator. you bring it down and there they are.

"Found itt!" you hear a "good" from him as you pick the already open packet and by the weight you can tell only few are left. "but that's just a few."

"Now don't say that... a few chips are better than no chips at all."

"heyy don't talk to me like that." you say as you pop a chip into your mouth. he chuckles, thinking how you get embarrassed so fast.

"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just happy you're going to eat something." you hmm in response to him as you start munching the chips quietly. "and make sure you drink plenty of water too... it will help you sleep." you hum again while eating.

"What were you doing though?" you ask him.

The conversation goes on as he tells you he was studying before you called him. you move back to your bed but not before having some water like he said. you snuggle back down, pulling the covers over your body while you both keep talking about anything. mostly him as he chatter away telling you about some random things that happened recently. This continued for another hour.

You just listen to his voice and respond whenever you can but for the most part you just hum. You start yawning and sighing tiredly at some point.

"sleepy?" he asks.

"no," you reply, though you sound drowsy. "stay on for a few more minutes... plwase..." He smiles to himself, finding the moment very endearing. He continues to talk but now slightly in whispers for you. Your eyelids are heavy and are slowly closing and moments after you're too drowsy- to even speak a full sentence- when he calls your name to check if you're asleep.

"y/n?" his voice deep with a soft tone. "Are you falling asleep, sweet?"

you muster another sleepy murmur, telling him to stay on the line and he hasn't stopped smiling for the past few minutes. your grip loosen on your phone.

"don't worry...I'll be right here until you're fully asleep." He stays on the call, the whole time until you fall asleep completely. when he tries and speaks to you again, there's no response.

He hears the faint sound of your breathing as you drift into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of him calling your name and whispering sweet nothings to you, knowing he's still there for you, even if it's by phone.

"Good night, honey."

thank you for reading <3

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