When A Snake Is A Karen

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What we saw brfore shocked us as the thing began to speak.

Monster Girl: Ya'll slow.

We stop in your tracks, recognizing the monster girl from earlier. Seeing her now was shocking enough, but here in Luka's home?

PJ: Wha! You?!

The same monster we had interacted back in the forest now standing in front of us. 

Luka: Uh, hello? What are you doing here?

Luka asks, slightly nervous but trying to maintain his composure.

PJ: More importantly how did you find this house? The last time we checked it's not like you saw us went to his house before, like ever.

She shrugs, unphased by your question.

Monster Girl: I followed the scent of a human. It led me here, and for your question I was intrested, and something I want to confirm.

PJ: And what'll that be?

Luka: Look, I'm already down due me not receiving my bathtism... if you come to make fun of me more.

Hearing his voice tinged with exhaustion in aggravation she sighs

Monster Girl: Hah.. hearing that was one of the reasons why I came. So, Ilias didn't appear at your baptism...

Monster Girl: I owned her for giving me so many wounds... [Goddess that Created the World] how stupid.

PJ: Wait what? You faught The Goddess yourself, is that the reason you fallen from the sky?

Luka: Wait, she faced Ilias?

Monster Girl: Food.

PJ: What?
Luka: Eh?

Monster Girl: Get me some food. Make yourselves useful.

She demanded like she in a 5 star restaurant.

What the hell? We haven't even known you for couple minutes and you followed back to his house and already your going about like you own the place? Hell no!

I shot at her.

Luka: I agree. We can't just let her order us around like that. Lets just go.

Before action was procceded the eyes of monster begin to flash after that my common sense and reasoning were dissipated immediately.

Monster Girl: Get me something to eat.

PJ/Luka: Of course maddam one momment!

Luka leads the way to the kitchen while PJ followed their mind seemingly under the monster's control. They began to try to cook for their mistress when they suddenly stopped.

Monster Girl:Hmm.. Whats wrong?

Luka/PJ: N-Nothing Maddam.

Monster Girl: Don't tell me...they are able to resist my magic...?

PJ: Theres nothing in this kitchen no food no utensils no ingredients! Nothing!

Luka: Whats our lives now!?

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