Jellybeans (JassiRo) Part I

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Ro was getting ready to sleep. It was already ten. Sky didn't join the camp in first few day. So he was along in the room. With the years of experience Ro knew that someone would barged in to room in any minute. As expected he herd a knock. It has to be Jas as others never knock.

"Come in Jassi " Ro told him. Jassi entered the room and sat on the bed beside Ro.

"Bhaiya.... I'm sleeping here since Sky is not here "

"Of cause you can kiddo"

"Oh... I didn't ask, I'm just saying " Jassi lied down beside Ro

"Wow demanding instead of requesting. Harry had made you naughty Jas "

"Only for you " Jassi laid his head on Ro's shoulder.

Ro got a call from Vi at the same time. Jassi whined.

"I will be back in few minutes Jas " Ro went to the balcony to take the call.

Jassi knew that the call will not end for hours. That's their time for complains and compliments after all. Jas took out his phone to check Insta. While scrolling through he saw something Shubi said about Ro. Its about Shubi taking qualities from Roh bhaiya.

He decided to check the comments. Many people were commenting about Shubi has inherited Rohits clumsiness too alone with forgetfulness.

He didn't have a time to check GT v CSK match. He hurriedly searched what happened and found out that Shubi forgot whether to bat or ball. He smiled and checked some comments.

'My fav duo ShubRo goals'

'No wonder he is Rohit's kid'

'Two forgetful cuties- ShubRo'

Their fans have created a new hashtag for them too. It was ShubRoGoals. Jassi felt upset. He knew he and his bhaiya are totally different when it comes to cricket. He didn't realize he was looking at the phone for a long time

"Anything interesting ?" Ro sat down on the bed

"Bhaiya.... See they are saying Shubi is your kid because he forgot whether to bat or bowl "

"Wait did he really? I should have a talk with him "

"Irony just died " Jassi laughed

"Come on I'm not that forgetful "

"Tell me where are your air pods ?"

"They are on the table... see.. oh where they are.. I remember keeping it here " Ro searched for the air pods.

"Tilak told me you have forgotten it in his room "

"Oh.. yeah I forgot "

"Told you "

"Ok Mr. Detective shall we sleep now " Ro pinched Jassi's cheeks

"Oki Doki " Jassi setlled to sleep while cuddeling Ro for the second time.

Someone barged into the room. It was Ishu

"Ro bhai can you "

"NOT NOW " Jassi screamed and Ro held him before he pushing Ishu away.

"Jassi.. remember you are the good one " Ro whispered as he didn't want to get a complain from Ishu.

Jassi collected himself a bit.

"What's the problem Ishu ? " Ro asked him.

"Bhai Shubi is not answering my calls. " Ishu complained

"Soo ? Do you want me to call him or " Ro asked as Ishu was not telling anymore.

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