7. "Casey The Man Whore"

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"There is something extremely wrong with you." Samson says while gritting his teeth.

Casey wipes his mouth as he watches the girl he just devoured for the third time during the school day walk away.

Casey points to her. "You see the way she hypnotically swings her hips as she walks? That's how they lure you in from the back." He says, shaking his head, although Samson couldn't tell if it was in approval or disapproval.

He's been sucking faces with like two different girls he met at Carter's party. One of them had actually asked me out this year. She kept awkwardly glancing as I stood by having to watch their fucking tongue-intercourse session in the middle of the hallway(everyone's at lunch). Still, disgusting. Why does my face have to flush for Casey Waldon? Why can't I seem to like anyone else? Every time I try to walk away thinking he's too distracted he stops and shouts at me telling me to stay put. Avery was around for a few minutes. Told me this usually happens after he goes to a party, and that it'll last a day or two before he gets 'bored'.

What the fuck?!

You know what, I think he's teasing me.
I know it.

"You gonna eat?" Casey asks, yawning and checking his phone.

"Not hungry."

Casey shrugs. "You're gonna need those carbs for practice today."

"Not hungry."

"Suit yourself." He says, leaning against the wall and yawning again. Seems like he must've had a night.

"Why am I like.. still standing here?" Sam asks. "Can I go sit with my friends? What is the point of me being here if I'm just gonna keep watching you rebound with two girls?"

"'Cause it's funny."

"It's funny?"

"You're fun to mess with. You should see your face, you don't even try to hide it."

"Why don't you mess with someone else?!"

"No one else is fun. Everyone's scared of me."

"I wonder why!"

Casey smacks him in the back of the head. "-And you're getting too comfortable."

Sam favors the back of his head. "..I'm supposed to be getting rewarded for getting your little USB flash drive back, but it feels like I'm getting punished."

Casey shrugs.

"Good to know I'm here solely for your entertainment."

Fucking asshole.

Danny approaches, cheesing and waving. Everyone swears, that boy has no doubts. Not even sure if he has any insecurities. "Hey, Sam-so!- And.. Casey." Danny wiggles his eyebrows at Samson, then faces Casey. "I apologize for the inconvenience on Friday, it was very rude of-"

"Get out of my face before I punch yours." Casey cuts him off and threatens.

Danny drops his head and walks away.

Samson lets out a slight laugh. "I don't know why you thought that would work, Dan."


Kyle appeared, standing directly in front of Samson, he hadn't even noticed. Casey crossed his arms, getting ready to witness whatever was to come, because Kyle didn't look happy. Even Sam, feeling this sense of dread, like he's been caught doing something wrong.

Kyle continues. "So uh.. you didn't come to the table today."

Sam quickly thinks of an excuse. "Oh no, I was going to in a-"

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