Easter Special

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(happy Easter y'all)

The guardians looked up at a big TV screen, specifically Visionettes.

Sylvee: You all got 10 minutes to find the eggs!

Y: What's the point in this? The only one of us who is really excited is Hunter. And for some reason Alpha and the Counter Force who I still don't understand why they havent been shot on sight.

GB: The author didn't want to miss another special and couldn't come up with any ideas. So he just used the first idea Conrad gave him.

Frostbite: Drug test her again.

GB: Trust me I stopped doing crack months ago. It never did anything for me.

Sylvee: Shut up. Time begins!

Everyone began running around, things were normal for like 2 minutes. Though the first act was between Hunter and Combo who were about to fight over an egg. Though Hunter suddenly pointed in a random direction.

Hunter: Alternas showing her tits!

Combo immediately looked in the same direction and Hunter flipped Combo off, he snatched the egg and began flying away.

Combo: You little shit.

Combos lasers suddenly fired shooting Hunter down. He landed on the ground and looked onwards as the egg fell and break. But he saw someone else in the smoke, Alt!

Alt: I miss my wife son. Goodbye, I'll be back.

Alt just disappeared, Hunter looked over to Talt and Y for mental support but they were distracted watching Y/N and Frost get in a fistfight. GB just walked over and dragged Frost away while Sylvee's head took over Y/N and made him fly away.

He flew past Alpha and the counterforce who all had metal detectors. Though Alpha failed to notice an egg in front of her. Traitor also appeared.

Traitor: The eggs are polystyrene purple tits.

Frostbite ran over.

Frostbite: dumbass.

Frostbite bitch slapped Alpha and knee driver Traitor probably breaking something. He stole Traitors egg basket and then stabbed him in the shoulder before flying off.

Things were surprisingly normal for the next few minutes until the time was over. Though when they counted the eggs. Combo, Y/N, Frostbite and Frost tied. They were about to do a tie breaker but Frostbite noticed something.

Frostbite: Frost one of your eggs looks weird.

Frost picked it up and looked it over. On it was a note from Hunter and Traitor.

"We hope you have a blast. Especially you Combo and Frostbite"

Y/N: That's a mini nuke!

Combo: That's actually a good pu-

Cut to later where they were standing in the control room of ones of the Big Fucking Gun 1000s that were on the wall of the capital. They looked below themselves to see a fire raging on. Hunter was standing in the corner being forced to look at the wall.

Y/N: Shit like this is why I don't celebrate stuff anymore.

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