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Headcanons for character's in the fic:

Tommy Innes-Beloved

-vigilante: Theseus >able to control and manipulate energy from basically everything, he can use the energy to create a kind of force that can send him or his opponent flying through the air. He can also use it to create weapons which have a red glow and can dissolve whenever he wants, or a shield to protect himself

-his last name is beloved because Ranboo is ( in the fake documents ) his older sibling

-he is 16 in this

-he is a weird kind of hybrid, he can switch between his hybrid traits ( which has something to do with his past ). He's an avian, a Phoenix to be specific. His wings are white at the top and fade into a red with golden tips. But he also has a pair of devil horns which fade from a black at the base to a deep red at the top and a tail which ( unlike normal demon tails ) is fluffy at the end, like his horns his tail also fades from black into a deep red. He mostly hides all his traits except his horns and tail when he goes patrolling

-he lives with Tubbo and Ranboo in a decendly sized apartment in Logstedshire. But just because the apartment is decently sized doesn't mean its good because its really not rent is a problem but they manage

Tubbo Underscore

-vigilante: Bumble >able to create explosions, he can create weapons which can explode on impact, it ether can create mass destruction or no harm at all it depends on what is useful in the situation.  Like when he just wants to escape he can make it that the explosion just leaves behind a lot of smoke. He can even create silent explosions

-he is 16 1/2

-he is a goat hybrid, he has brown goat-like horns and a tail

-he's also incredible smart, he creates all the gear he and his friends need ( yes he has also made nukes but Tommy gave him a full 1 hour lesson why its dangerous to have them in the apartment ). He also made himself working bee wings  which he doesn't really use for patrols only for fun

Ranboo Innes-Beloved

- vigilante: Lethe >able to teleport to any place they want, doesn't matter if its just them or somebody else. They also can teleport a lot of people at once but they then need a break or they will 1. pass out or 2. puke. They also have the ability to touch lava without problem but they are not immune to fire

-their 17

-they are half enderman half ghast ( which is why they are immune to lava ). They have a human form in which half of their body is a shade darker than the other. In the human-form they sometimes wear a mask and glasses but they don't do is as often now. In the non-human-form they have long slender horns one white one black and also a long slender tail which is fluffy at the end and also split colours

- the fact that in the fake documents their Tommy's sibling always leads to them teasing Tommy about it

-their the nicest of the group but also can get really serious

Purpled Bedwars

-vigilante/mercenary: Australius >able to create anything he wants from weapons to normal everyday items like mugs or a fork. But whatever he creates it always is the colour purple, he can also let it dissepear whenever he wants ( it like turns into black goo which then just dissepears into whatever its on ). He's also extremely agile and has superhuman accuracy this is why he mostly creates guns or knifes

-he's 17

-he's something which is called an alien, his antennas are purple but can but don't have to ( he can control it ) change colour depending on how he feels same with his tail, it looks like a enderman tail but it has stars dekorating it. His whole body has random star constellation's ( like zodiac signs ). He also can change his eyes to have a black sclera which he does when he patrols

Fly high Theseus, and don't fall || vigilante tommy au || Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin