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"Just to clarify," you say, bending away from his hand. "I don't plan to smooch all the time just to talk."

"You choose silence over me?" complains the redhead with pure despair, and the one who gave you his cape hides his eyes as he hears the high-pitched whine of his friend.

"I'm afraid," you grin when the man sniffles. "Can you give me a notebook and a pen, maybe? I don't know how long this lasts."

"Sure," replies the dark-haired man. "Give me a sec."

"I don't even kiss that bad!" cries out Shanks wailfully.

"Of course not, Captain!" shouts the long-nosed one.

"Have you tried, sweetheart?" you ask, and both the men turn to a bright shade of red while the large one starts wheezing and hitting his shin.

"Maybe it's better if you stay mute," snuffs Shanks.

"How old are you, man? Five?"

"I'm nineteen, that's almost two decades!" he shouts back, hiding his face with his hat. You smile secretly.

He's adorable.

The other returns from inside the ship and hands you the paper, which you thank him with the last few seconds of the voice Shanks gave you.

"She said that I'm five, Benn!" snaps the man as soon as he sees his comrade.

He was called Captain, so this guy must be the First Mate. They seem to be a new crew.

"Good," smiles Ben calmly, flicking Shanks' hat to see his face. "I would have guessed three in her place."

The man is too outraged to answer, so the other crouches down opposite you, carefully setting the collar of his cape, making sure you are guarded from the cool morning air.

"My name is Benn Beckman," he nods his head. "You already met our Captain. And this is Yasopp and Lucky Roux. We heard a lot about you. Shanks was pretty upset and amused by last night."

"The hell I was upset!" snaps the redhead.

"You didn't sleep one second because you were afraid she wasn't going for a ship," laughs Roux. "Then we couldn't have found her."

"I wasn't upset, okay? I was planning my bloody revenge!"

"Revenge the-"

"Now if you would stop for a moment," sighs Benn, lifting his palm peacefully. "I believe we should clear a few other things first."

Shanks avoids your gaze as he stands up, crossing his arms.

His figure casts a shadow over you, and you shiver as he blocks the Sun's warmth from your wet skin.

Your heart misses a beat as he notices your small movement, and his brown gaze softens as he steps aside to let the light reach you again.

Maybe I should be nicer to him.

But he smiles and moves his hand up and down, creating a shadow across your face to annoy you with his satisfied smirk growing as you squint your eyes for their defense.


If you ever let me speak again, you little-

"You have a Devil Fruit, don't you, [Y/N]?" asks Benn, shooting a warning stare to the redhead, who shrugs huffily and leaves you alone. "A powerful one, at that. You could get away from our Captain and even today, you were close. Shanks wants to help you, so we do, too. Just tell us more in exchange."

You take a deep breath and pick up the paper. As much as you would prefer to keep your secrets, you need their help for now.

And for some reason, you feel like you can trust them.

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