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JANUARY 11th, 2024
2:37 PM

We've just landed in Chicago.

"Holy crap, it's so cold." I shiver, pulling my beanie onto my head more.

Jaden zippers up his jacket. "What did you expect dodo, we're in 'The Windy City'."

I quickly shush him, laughing.

All three families are standing outside of the Terminal, shivering.

"Are we taking one uber or two?" My mom asks.

Darren looks down at his severely oversized suitcase. "Based off of, the luggage, I think we should take two."

"I wonder why the luggage is such a problem." Daniela rolls her eyes. Darren's luggage was sixty-two pounds and costed them a lot to get onto the plane.

"Well, we're two and two, and you guys are three, so maybe we should just split up like that." Peter explains.

We all nod.

Darren and Peter continue to look on their phones for Uber rides.

"Found one." Peter says. "It fits four people, perfect."

Cayden leans over, trying to see his father's phone. "What type of car?"

"White Prius."

My eyes widen. We're all supposed to all fit in there. Cayden is at least 6'2, Peter is definitely on the larger side, and I have my huge bo-staff case that we have to fit.

"Are you sure that's a good size?" Cayden raises an eyebrow.

Peter turns off his phone after booking the ride. "Who cares, it's a good price."

Darren finds a uber for his family, and we stand for a couple minutes, looking for the cars.


Our Prius finally shows up, looking smaller than ever.

The Uber driver gets out of his car and helps us load our luggage into the back.

He looks at my bo-staff case and stops in his track.

"Yeah.... sorry about this." I nod, before sticking the case through the trunk, and it sticks through the middle of the second row.

"Text me when you guys get picked up." My mom tells Daniela, and she nods.

Now it's time to get into the car.

Peter and my mom are bickering on who should get the front seat, but Peter is insisting that she has it.

My mom ends up taking the front seat, so I'm in the back with the guys.

Peter is sitting in the left side, Cayden is for some reason in the middle, and I'm super squished on the right side.

I'm gripping onto my backpack for dear life. I'm practically buried underneath everything.

The drive starts out calm and quiet. The parents are making conversation, and me and Cayden are both listening to music.

One of my favorite songs, Margaret by Lana Del Rey comes on.

I lean my head against the window, admiring the beautiful scenery of the city.

I see all sorts of things. Stores, coffee shops, and the Chicago River.

As I'm lightly humming to the song, I feel a hand graze over my knee.

I'm so buried in our stuff; I can barely turn my head before realizing its Cayden.

My eyes widen slightly before calming down. I am more confused than anything.

Cayden's hand continues to rest on my thigh for the duration of the ride. I notice him glancing at me every couple minute, but I'm too nervous to do anything besides keeping my eyes glued out the window.

Once we arrive at the hotel, Cayden moves his hand, and I start to get out from the car. We don't say anything to each other for a while.


The car is unloaded, and we're carrying all our items into the hotel. One step in, and I'm amazed. This is the fanciest hotel I've ever seen.

*for reference, look at Hyatt Regency Chicago*

I am dazzled with the seating, colorful lighting, escalators, restaurant, and marble walls and flooring. The entrance has a walkway with past trophies from the tournament, that are almost as tall as me.

"This place is beautiful." I whisper in awe.

We have met up with Jaden and their family by now. We all go to check in, which is up the set of escalators.

Me and Jaden are sitting in two chairs, with everyone's luggage surrounding us.

"Jaden and Scarlett, this is Matt. Matt, this is Jaden and Scarlett. We're gonna go explore, see ya!" Cayden quickly rambles before running off with Matt.

"Hasn't he stayed here twice?" Jayden raises an eyebrow.

I shrug, and glance back down to the lobby where I can see the Warrior Cups.

"I want one of those big trophies." I grin.

Jaden puts his water bottle down on the table. "I don't. They're taller than me."

I can't help but burst out with laughter. Jaden has always been the butt of the short jokes. I quickly slap a hand over my mouth, and he gives me a massive glare.

"Sorry, but what you said was true." I nod slowly.

Jaden throws his empty water bottle at me.

I squeal, trying to duck in time.


By the time the parents come over to us with the room keys, we're ready to hit the beds and get some rest.

Turns out we have rooms next to each other.

We are staying on the seventh floor.

We got lucky, and instead of staying in the main hallway, all three rooms are tucked away in a corner.

Peter and Cayden's room is to the left.

Darren, Daniela, and Jalen are in the right.

Me and my mom are in the middle.

I can't help but smile as we unlock our hotel room doors.

This is going to be fun.

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