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*Four Years Ago*

"Let's give a round of applause to our new student, Scarlett." Master Steven tells the class.

I have just completed my first day of being on the elite performance group at my karate school: The Dream Team.

Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to be one of the people on the team. I worked so hard to try out and get accepted.

As the other performers clapped, I smiled with the most pride I've ever had.

"Class dismissed!" Master Steven bows out the students.

As I walk out of class, I'm being congratulated by a couple of the other performers. I get pats on the back, fist bumps, even a hug.

After all, I was the group's youngest member.

A boy walks up to me. He looks to be about two years older than me. He smiles, and his light brown eyes light up. "Congratulations on getting on the team!" He raises his hand, offering a high-five.

I stop in my tracks. I stare at his face for a minute, before snapping back into reality. "T-thank you." I smile softly, high fiving him back.

"I'm Cayden." He introduces himself.

I nod. "Cool, I'm Scarlett, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice. Well, have fun celebrating. Tell your mom to get you ice cream or something!" He chuckles.

My eyes widen. "Oooo. Good idea." I nod.

He walks off, joining some of his other friends.


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