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"Are we just going to stand here like statues, or are you two going to start talking?" Essence asked the frozen couple.

Both Alisa and Leonard were struggling internally at the thought that their son's very, very powerful girlfriend was currently standing in their foyer, portraying a very strong demeanor.

The couple heard about and even saw the beautiful yet dangerous lady their son had managed to fall in love with. However, not once have they thought they'd have the opportunity to meet her in person.

From the likes of it and the stuff they were told they both the girl was not one to mess with and boy oh boy did they manage to mess with her as she stood looking at them in complete annoyance.

They both knew Alessio's girlfriend had a deep dislike for them from what they'd heard and very well seen. It was no longer a secret who paid the kids' tuition after their neighbor said she'd seen the beauty, and the principal handled the exchange firsthand as she was indeed the vice principal.

The DeVinci's were one of Miami's elite and wealthiest families, yet they were no match against the melanated young lady that stood before them.

"Look, I'll just make this quick because I miss my boyfriend and am in dire need of his cuddles. If one of you doesn't start talking, I will, and trust me when I say you both won't like what I have to say." Essence stated quite annoyed at the silent couple who not too long ago were basically at each other's neck.

With a deep breath and a sullen heart, Alisa started, "If we don't transfer our businesses to the Cunning's by sundown tomorrow, Alessio will be forced to marry Jessica. It's absurd, I know, but the Cunning's already have a great percentage of our companies since our kids were infants.

I know you must hate us for what we've done and what we've allowed, but believe me when I say it was for Alessio's best. Everything we did was for his betterment. If we were to pay his tuition, the Cunning's would have known that we still kept in touch with our son.

We were forced into doing this, believe me. I more than anyone. Imagine getting a call from the bank in the middle of an important meeting to hear all your accounts have been frozen due to suspicious activity.

My husband made a promise with his best friend when they were younger, and it's come back to bite us in the ass.

His greed and obsession for money and power cost me my son, my only child was made to believe that I hate him when in all honesty it kills me each time I drive to his apartment and see the two of you or just him smiling genuinely for the first time in years.

I live my son with all I am, but I can not fathom leaving him here on his own while we run away from the mess we've created." Alisa paused as she turned from Essence to her husband.

"Leo, I love you, I do. From the moment we met you, were it for me, but I can not leave my son behind because you were too weak to be his father. As much as it breaks my heart, it has to be done." She finished pulling out an envelope from a drawer and handing it to her husband.

"Yo-you want a di-divorce?" Leonard asked, newfound tears welling in his eyes.

"Alisa, I know what I've done was wrong, I-I know I've let you down. I've let both you and Alé down, but please, don't leave me. I-I'm trying my best to make it better, If you want me to transfer the companies I will, but please don't leave me. I really can't lose you both." Leonard pleaded a single tear, making its way down his cheek.

Essence stood across the desperate couple contemplating on helping them or not. She knew if Alessio found out the truth, he'd help his parents without a second thought.

She also knew he missed them dearly, especially his mother, and she now knew why. There was no doubt Alisa loved her son beyond the moon. She was just stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Without another word, Essence briefly looked at the couple and left their premises.

"Mellie, take everything."



"What do you think she'd do if she found out?"

"Honestly, she'd probably be elated since it's you, but if it was anybody else, she'd most likely have Raphael make them disappear."

"Is it that bad?"

"I mean she's practically lived alone throughout her entire adult years and no disrespect if you've ever seen where she lives you'd think this penthouse was a studio apartment but then again, it's you and Essence loves you, I highly doubt she'd say no, especially if you ask on your birthday."

I couldn't help but blush at the thought of knowing my best friend knew how much my girlfriend loved me.

"Does that mean she talks about me a lot?" I asked Giano, who was currently munching on Essence's Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate.

"Not really to me because she knows I'll tell you everything butcher and Eva tend to talk a lot to each other and though, Eva doesn't tell me everything I have access to her phone and I sometimes if note every time, hear their phone calls and let me tell you, that girl is crazy about you."

"Crazy about who?" Essence asked as she walked in, placing her keys on the counter and walking towards me before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You need to learn to knock. We could've been naked." Giano Sasser.

"Is that so?" Asked a smirking Eva who now stood at the doorway, arms crossed.

"Damn it." Giano hissed in embarrassment.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you two love each other more than your girlfriend's." Eva started now sitting behind Giano playing in his hair.

"Nah, this one's all mine." Essence stated, leaning my head back, and placing a kiss on my lips before leaving for the bedroom.

"By the way, Essence said we're having a sleepover tonight," Eva exclaimed as ran to the room where they'd usually stay once we had a sleepover, which was quite rare.

Once Giano left to follow Eva, I went and checked on my girl because as much as she hides her emotions from the world, I can still sense when something's bothering her.

After entering our bedroom I noticed the drawer Essence's clothes used to be in was now empty and in a suitcase laid across the bed.

Internally I knew what that meant but I couldn't help but ask once she came out of the shower, "You-you're leaving?"

"Essence you can't leave, answer me!" I yelled after what was fifteen minutes because she just stood there drying her hair without sparing me a glance.

"There are some things I need to deal with, yes, I am leaving but not until morning." She stated, ignoring my presence as she got dressed.

"I-is this why you invited Giano and Eva to stay the night because you think I need a babysitter? I am not a child Essence. Tell me what is going on." I was fuming on the inside, the thought of her leaving me left my heart in an uproar and I could tell I would no longer be able to control it if she did not let me in.

"Essence please talk to me, was it something I did? Did I say or do anything to upset you? Essence you've had a lot of stuff to deal with during our relationship but not once have you packed your things."

"Can we just get through the night without arguing, I need to be out of here by two a.m." Essence sighed as if my questions annoyed her.

"You know what, fine, but you won't be leaving in the morning, you'll be leaving now and don't bother to come back unless you feel like talking," I started and immediately regretted my words once I saw her face, she seemed shocked, as if I'd just said the most absurd thing known to man.

Not long after her eyes glossed with tears but she didn't let them fall, she simply took her suitcase and left right after saying "Just know it was all for you."

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