Radio Killed the Video Star

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Inside the Hazbin Hotel walking Charlie said "Okay" She walks with Keekee following "So the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year" They turn walking the other way "No big deal" Charlie and Keekee walk pass a table "Just a little setback" Vaggie sits the chair and Angel Dust leaning on the couch holding a phone "Nothing we can't handle".

Keekee walks away and Charlie raising her hands looking up "Just angels cutting our timetable in half" She lowers her arms turning to them "But who needs a whole year to save souls" Charlie smiles raising her hands "Am I right" She start to go manically "And next time, when they cut the time in half again, and again..."

Charlie rubs her face "...we'll just handle it, right" Grabbing her arms Vaggie said "Yes, we will" She smiles at Charlie, but Angel Dust said "Oh, please..." He looks at his phone "...ya had less than half a chance when you started..." Angel Dust looks at them spreading his arms "...all this salvation bullshit".

Angel Dust smiles "And now..." His phone vibrates catching his attention "Ain't no silver lining this time toots" On Angel Dust phone is texts from Valentino as Charlie and Vaggie stare at him for a moment Charlie said "Sure there is" She raise her hands "We just have to look a little harder for it".

Staring at his phone Angel Dust said "Well, while you're lookin, the rest of Hell is going nuts" He shows them the screen "People are already freaking out about the news" Angel Dust wave his phone and flicks it "Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District" A Demon is screaming with fire behind him.

Another text from Valentino appears as Charlie stares at the phone she ask "Err, what is a 'donkey show'" Hearing that Angel Dust said "Aah, heh, nothing" He quickly turn his phone to him to look at it "My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news, too" Angel dust smiles "Like I said, everyone's losing their shit".

Closing her eye halfway Vaggie said "Yeah, that's true" That got her thinking "Sinners are desperate" Vaggie lowers her gaze "Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination" She smiles looking to Charlie making her gasp Charlie said "This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel".

She spread her arms high as Angel Dust looks at his phone he ask "Cute idea and all, but you really going to go out in all of this" He showed a video of a fish demon running with blood coming out of his eyes passing fire while raising a hand Charlie said "Well, it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep" She motions the door.

Suddenly an explosion happens making Charlie scream looking at the hole a Voice yells "Show yourselves, Alastor, Death" In the air is Sir Pentious war blimp with weapons aiming at the hotel as Sir Pentious stood behind the controls and his Eggmen stand "Come and face—" He points but stops due to the fact Alastor is at a table drinking some tea.

Meanwhile Death is in his room closing a portal putting his hood on walks over and opens the window to see what's going on "Oh, there you two are..." Alastor and Death look to Sir Pentious who glares "Face my wrath" His hood flares open while Death close the window and Alastor takes another sip he ask "Who are you"?

Staring Sir Pentious ask "Who am I" He smiles looking at Alastor "Who am I" Sir Pentious raise a finger "I am the great Sir Pentious" His hood flare open "Inventor, architect of destruction..." Sir Pentious spread his arms motioning around "...villain extraordinaire" Alastor use his shadow to teleport from the table in front of the hole which Death walks out of.

They went over to Charlie, Angel Dust and Vaggie who all stood outside staring at Sir Pentious as a #23 said "Woo" He turns to Sir Pentious "You tell 'em, boss" Nifty appears behind Alastor's head gasping she said "Ooh, he's a bad boy" Noticing her Alastor grabs Nifty a drop her in a portal above Death sending her inside the hotel.

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