Chapter 31: Loser.

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Keegan and Kane.

Cameron's POV.

I waited the next day for Eric around the corner from my house by the bus stop. I had called him late last night asking him to meet me 30 minutes earlier than usual as I needed to talk to him before school.

Brandon hadn't come home last night and I didn't know exactly where he was. Neither did Mum, although we had a good idea he was round Uncle Harry's. All I knew was that I was going to be in trouble and I was sure that it would start at school today. If it wasn't Brandon behind it...., then it would be Kane.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I cursed repeatedly under my breath. Why was I so stupid in allowing Brandon to catch us? How did I let my guard down so easily? If only we had gone somewhere else! If only we had used Zoe's bedroom......., at least it had a lock on the door.

Eric arrived five minutes late and we walked towards school at a more leisurely pace than usual. I told him everything.

Everything! I left nothing out. Nothing.

I told him that Mum had hugged me last night. I said that she had told me if I thought I was old enough to be having sex then I was old enough to stand up for myself. If I did that...., against Dad and against Uncle Harry, she would stand alongside me.

He laughed when I told him that she had said 'together we can put paid to all this nonsense.' Granted it sounded like something out of the movies, but he stopped laughing when I told him that Mum was fed up with everything and angry about the type of boys Brandon and Austin had become.

He put a comforting arm across my shoulders at one stage as an act of commiseration. I felt his sincerity when he said he didn't fancy my chances going up against Uncle Harry, but if my Mum was going to stand with me, then he would too. I felt guilty for not trusting him earlier. He was proving to be a real true friend.

His supportive words and kind gesture moved me almost to tears.

In almost the next sentence he balled me out. He castigated me all because he didn't understand why I would risk taking Keegan and Kaiden, two mixed race boys, back to a home that was openly racist. He then contradicted himself, surprising me in the process, by saying that he could understand my need to have private time with Keegan. He said he could see how easy it would be for me to succumb to Keegan's charms. His then accurate character assassination of me painted a picture of a boy desperately wanting someone to want them for who they were. Wanting to love unconditionally..., and to be loved unconditionally back.

He said he already suspected I was in love and having sex with Keegan because I had been so happy and less stressed.

I hadn't realised until he said that, how true that was. I had been happy. So very happy. Yes! I was in love......, and had been ever since that night in the hot tub devouring raspberries and cream. It was still early days in our relationship, but I was sure of my feelings for Keegan and his feelings for me. Why else would I have surrendered my cherry?

I was certainly less worried about things since we had become lovers.

Now? I was not sure what was happening and that was stressing me out big time. I couldn't stand up to Uncle Harry until I knew what I was dealing with.

Brandon's absence was the cause of my worry.

Mum was going to handle Dad. That I didn't need to worry about. I was learning fast that Mum was no pushover and while Dad was doing time she had now grown some 'balls'.

Wrong as that sounds, it was true. Mum was like Boudicca....., showing her good, true Eastender breeding stock heritage. Hard, firm, and resolute. She was now the head of the family and no one was going to shift her. Certainly not Dad. It was clear that any wrong move by him and he would be sent packing...., back to Chelmsford Jail before you could say Jack Robinson.

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