Part 11

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"Do you think this is a good idea?" Helena asked as I mopped the floor of the cafe while she looked out the window for Hunter and his friends.

"I don't know about good but this is the only idea I have," I said, scrubbing a stubborn spot which looked to be spilled coffee.

"Running away has never been successful for you before," she reminded me and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, knowing she was right.

"Yes, but that's because I never wanted to run from him before. Now, I want to stay away from him. I won't let him get close to me again," I stated, moving to the other end of the floor with my mop.

"But whenever you tried to run he's always managed to catch you."

"Helena, I would appreciate it if you stop being negative right now."

"I'm just stating facts," she argued and I ground my teeth in frustration. I had to get out of here before Hunter caught me. I had to succeed in leaving the state. I needed to be successful in leaving him.

"We're getting out of here no matter what," I said and mopped as hard as I could.

"And what about your cafe, your business? You said you won't let anyone take it from you and now you're abandoning it. Who's going to take care of it if we're not here?" She asked.

The mop that was furiously running over the floor came to a pause as I contemplated her words. She was right, I didn't want to leave the life I'd built over the years. This cafe was my dream and I didn't want to get rid of it. Helena was right, if we left then no one would be there to take care of the cafe and that's exactly what Hunter wanted. He wanted the cafe to close down so I'd have no choice but to depend on him for everything. He'd win if I abandoned my cafe.

I sighed and faced her. "Then what do you suggest we do? You know how dangerous he is."

"He's a danger to the world, not to you."

I scowled. "You know, this is not helping. If you want to defend Hunter..." she held up a hand to silence me.

"Hold it. I'm not defending him. I'm just telling you the truth, which you're already aware of."

I huffed and resumed mopping. "Okay fine. But what can we do?" The answer came to me immediately and I looked at my best friend with a renewed sense of hope. "What if... what if I go and you stay and take care of the cafe? That way the cafe will be safe and you'll be safe as well. Hunter won't hurt you for running away with me."

"He won't hurt you anyways. He'll be furious and he has the tendency to do crazy things when he's angry but I can stay and take care of the business. However, what will I say when he comes here asking about you? And you know he will," she said.

I shrugged. "Tell him I left because I have no desire to be with him."

"And you expect him to just accept that? He never will."

"I know but that's his problem, not ours." I paused as I went to the back room to deposit the mop before coming out. "I should go now. Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?"

Helena came forward and wrapped me in a warm hug. A strange heaviness settled in my heart at the thought of possibly hugging my best friend for the last time. Her floral perfume made me want to hold on tight and take her with me like we'd originally planned.

No. This was not the last time. I'd see her again. Hunter couldn't chase me forever. Sooner or later he was bound to get tired and walk away. He didn't come after me for ten years so that meant he didn't feel for me as much as he used to. So he wouldn't waste his time coming after me now.

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