Escaping To Astral

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Those eyes, I cant get those stone gray eyes out of my head. They tell a story full of life and love, yet so much pain and darkness. I know this sounds weird but I feel as if I have known him my whole life, maybe even longer. I know what your thinking, "Oh its another one of those stories." But I promise you it's not. You see, I met him in astral, or you may know it as dremland. Outside of astral I have never seen him, hell i dont even know what he looks like. Confused yet? Ok, maybe I should back up some and start from the begining.

 My name is Scarlett Rose, and I am a Fae mixed with a Siren (I know I sound crazy, but hear me out please). I live in New York with my best friend Riley, and currently going to school. Astral is the one place I can honestly take my true form and be me. But that all chaged the day I met Landeon.... 

OK hi guys :) I want to know what you think before I continue....

Show me some love <3

And im trying to come up with a cover....but if you have any ideas please let me know

Peace and Love :)

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