The Legendarium World

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Aisha knocked on the door to the headmistress office.

"You may come in," Headmistress Faragonda said.

"Hello, Headmistress," Aisha replied. "Electra has been getting visions of something that she wants to address."

"Is it about her complete Enchantix? If so, I sense that she will achieve it sooner than she thinks. I am noticing something different about her."

"Yes, she is changing, breaking out of her old habits, but that's not why we're here. She thinks that there's a secret book that has the origin of the Legendix power."

"Oh. Is it here?"

"No, but she has a feeling that she might know where to find the book."

"Oh, well in that case, she may come in."

"Thanks, Headmistress Faragonda!"


"Hello, headmistress," Electra said as she sat down.

"Hello, Electra," Headmistress Faragonda replied. "I heard you were receiving visions of a book that might hold the secrets of the Legendix power. Is that right?"

"Yes. I have heard of this book and I think it has the secrets of the source of Legendix."

"Which book?"

"The Legendarium."

"The Legendarium is a beautiful book, but it can also be dangerous. Since you and the other girls have Pyrix, you can access the book and actually go into its pages. Be careful though, because you will encounter some various obstacles along the way, and you will only have the Pyrix power to guide you."

"But how do I find the Legendarium?"

"I'll guide you. Close your eyes."

Electra closed her eyes.

"Now, concentrate on the book. Ask the Pyrix magic to show you where it is."

"Pyrix vision, show me where I can find the Legendarium."

"Good. Now just wait for the answer."

After a few minutes, Electra opened her eyes. "I got it!" she exclaimed. "Thank you so much for your help!"


"You figured out where to find the book?" Bloom asked.

"Yes," Electra replied. "It's on Tir Nan Og Island. Isn't that where Roxy is from?"

"She is the future queen. Nebula rules there now."

"It's okay, though, because we're going to find out where the Legendix power comes from!"

Stella used the ring of Solaria to teleport to the isle.

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