My First Day at Work

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I was excited and happy as I made my way to my first day of work at a reputable company in a bustling city. As soon as I opened the glass doors and walked into the lobby, I could feel a lot of energy and opportunities. The air was filled with the buzz of activity, and I couldn't help but feel hopeful. Even though I was thrilled, I couldn't help but think about the reports about my new boss's temper.

I didn't want any worries to bring me down, so I walked toward the reception with eyes that were both intrigued and enthusiastic about what they would see. It was then that I saw him. He was talking on his phone while standing by the big glass windows. His authoritative presence and impeccable body caught everyone's attention right away and left an impression that would last a lifetime.

It was Mr. Van Kirk himself. I immediately recognized him, as I had seen his photographs circulating on the internet for his recent engagement. Despite the rumors circulating about his extremely bad temperament, as my gaze fell upon him, I couldn't help but be drawn to the captivating allure he emitted. From a distance, I observed him with intrigue, utterly captivated by his perfectly chiseled jawline, perfect lips, flawless physique, and the way his shirt hugged his body. I could feel a fiery rush coursing through my body.

The moment he finished his call, with a self-assured expressions, I gathered my emotions and made my way towards him, putting out my hand. "Hello, Mr. Van Kirk. I'm Anna," I said with a warm and enthusiastic tone. "I'll be your new assistant."

Mr. Van Kirk looked at me, his piercing blue eyes locking onto mine. At that moment, it felt as though time stood still, and I felt an inexplicable spark within me. It was as if I had known him from another lifetime, and I couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing me closer to him.

His directive hit me like a cold wind, leaving me dumbfounded for a moment. "Only come to me when I call you," he said, his voice stern and steady.

When Mr. Van Kirk gave me a chilly and unwelcoming look, my smile vanished as quickly as it had appeared. I stood there, unsure of what to do, feeling unprepared for this unexpected interaction with my new boss on my first day.

As I tried to reconcile my attraction to him with his dismissive approach, I was filled with conflicting emotions. Despite knowing that I should hate his attitude, I found myself drawn to him in a way that further exacerbated my confusion.

The uncomfortable realization gnawed at the edges of my brain, making me uneasy and unsure of how to proceed. How could I continue to be drawn to someone who treated me so indifferently?

Mr. Van Kirk barely noticed me, He just pointed to a desk in the corner without saying much. "Sit there, and get to work," he ordered, his tone icy and unwelcoming. His attitude made me feel less excited about my new job and more excited for him.

All day long, Mr. Van Kirk didn't change. He was rude and made me feel incompetent. It seemed like he didn't care about my efforts and hard work. Every time he spoke, it felt like a punch to my confidence. I couldn't understand why he treated me so badly, especially since I tried my best to deliver as he expected.

Despite Mr. Van Kirk's harsh treatment towards me, I found my skin on fire whenever he was near and used his icy cold tone with me.I couldn't shake the odd heat that stirred within my thighs.

Throughout the day, I pushed myself to the limit, pouring every ounce of energy into my tasks. I worked tirelessly, going above and beyond what was expected of me, all in a desperate bid to earn even a shred of approval from Mr. Van Kirk.

Despite his consistent rejection and cold attitude, I found myself curiously intrigued by the challenge of winning his approval. It was as though each dismissal fueled my drive to prove myself worthy in his eyes, driving me to work harder and strive for perfection.

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