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Well uhm I really don't know how to start this off..." I said, shaking my head.

"I guess I'll start off with the song that plays in my head:

1, 2, Freddy's coming for you
3, 4, better lock your
5, 6, get your crucifix
7, 8, stay up late
9, 10, never sleep again

The voice in my head won't stop, I need them to stop. I'm going to go crazy... you gotta help me doctor, I don't care what you try, get these voices out of my head..." I began crying. My new therapist sighed, "What is the voice saying?" He asked. "He's saying that he's going to kill me."

"Who is he?" Dr. Loomis asked me as he started taking notes.

"He's-he's this older man, his skin is burnt, he has this red and green sweater, and he has the claw as a hand..." I'm able to spit out before I hear the voice again.

"He's gonna get you."

I can't take it, I bang my head against the seat multiple times, then a few nurses and doctors come in and strap me to the bed.

"Please Dr. Loomis, you gotta help me please." I say as more tears come out, "He's going to kill me..."

"Preston, I'm gonna do the absolute best to try and help you get ride of these "voices" in your head son." He says as they take me back to my room, I feel the hot tears roll down. I'm going to die.

I sat in my room, on my bed. All I can think about are the voices and what they are saying to me.

"You're gonna die."

"You're pathetic."

"You're useless."

"Stop!" I yell. I punched my mirror and the alarm goes off. I hear nurses and doctors running down. I look in a broke piece of the mirror and see him standing there.

"Hello Preston! Did you miss me?" he says, then laughed.

I stood there with my mouth open, this can't be real...

Then all of a sudden I get tackled by doctors.

But I can still see him staring at me, laughing.

"Why can't aren't you getting him? He's right there!" I yell, pointing to where freddy is standing.

"We need to get on some more medicine." One of the nurses said.

"Okay, someone give me the shot." The doctor says.

"No, no, no, please someone get him! I'm not lying you put me asleep, he's gonna kill me-" I say, but it's too late. The needle is put in me and I drift asleep.


"Ahh! No please not this!" I say, tears start build up and I begin to panic.

I began to look around, and realize where I am. I see my house down the road and take off sprinting to it. Hopefully I can get someone to hear me but, I hear police sirens. I stop behind a tree, I look and see the driveway to Brianne's house, and then it hit me...

It's that night, the night I went crazy and killed her father. I take off to her house, bust through the door, and see him yelling at Brianne.

"You dumb slut! You're just as useless as your mother!" he yells, then he hits her.

"Dad pleas-please stop..." Brianne says with blood and tears coming down her nose and face.

"Did you just tell me to stop? You little cunt..." He said, as he hit her again.

I try to grab him, but I fall through him and hit the ground. I start to hear footsteps coming from the stairs.

Wait... no... it can't be him... I look up the stairs and I see him laughing at me. He stuck his claws into the wall as he walked.

"You bastard, I fucking hate you!" I yelled.

"Oh, Preston, how can you hate me when all you've done is make it easier to pick on you?" he said.

Then I heard the gunshot.


I turn around and see her dad with a bullet hole in his chest. I look up and see myself holding the gun.

No, no, that's not who killed him no this can't be true...

I look up and see that I'm a room with a single light on, and I see a newspaper with the heading saying

"Local boy goes crazy and kills father"

Preston Smith (16) shot and killed Adam Knight (35).

"Friday September 13th, 2010 at approximately 10:56 P.M., Preston Smith ran into the house of Adam Knight and shot and killed Knight in front of his daughter Brianne Knight (14).

Reports say that Preston was under some type of influence and was yelling and screaming after he fired 3 shots into Mr. Knight's chest.

Preston was sent to a Mental hospital for the next 20 years of his life."

"This isn't fair... why does it have to be so unfair." I say as I slam my fist into the desk in front of me.

"Because maybe, Preston, you became such a vulnerable fool that it was easy picking for me." he says as I turn and look at him with hot tears in my eyes

"Why? Why can't you just leave me the hell alone, you pathetic freak!" I yell at him."

"He stuck his long, sharp blade on my chest and cut down quickly, causing me to bleed. "You make this so easy." He smiled. "Fight all you want, Preston, you'll never win." He began laughing and I began running. He appeared right in front of me,

"Going somewhere?" He asked, cutting my cheek up. "Someone! Wake me up!" I yelled, the tears wouldn't stop coming. "Wake me the fuck up!" I yelled some more.

" Freddy shook his head, "They won't hear you, bitch." I turned around and started running, feeling the blood drip from my face. I was in a never-ending hallway, red walls, red floors. The same color as blood. Soon it became harder for me to run, I looked down and seen that blood had risen up to my shins and wouldn't let me run anymore.
My head and heart were pounding, I looked down to see the blood going up to my knees. How does the blood rise so fast? I ask myself. "Let's dye those clothes a pretty red!" I heard him yelling. The blood was now to my hips and I can hardly move. I get pulled under and brought to a new place, a room.

I was forced awake by the paramedics, they were tending to my wounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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