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Brianne's P.O.V

"Brayden had another nightmare again... I'm starting to get worried about him..." I said as me and Anna walked into our classroom.

"How many is that this week five, six?" Anna said as we sat in our seats.

"Fourth." is all I could say.

All I can feel is my eyes get heavy and I slowly start to fall asleep. When I woke up, the classroom was dark and empty. But I wasn't completely alone...

"Hello Brianne, expecting someone else?" The man said, then he put his claw against the chalk board and made an ear piercing screech.

I scream and I covered my ears. I looked up, and he was gone.

Is he gone?

"Wake up!" He yelled, then threw me from my chair.

"There's is no sleeping in my classroom, you little bitch!" He said, then walked to me, "Wake the fuck up."

"Who the fuck are you?!" I yelled.

"I'm your worst fucking nightmare!" He said with a smile, he brought his hand up and cut my cheek.

"Brianne, wake up!" Anna yelled, waking me from my sleep.

"What?" I said, lifting my head

"You're bleeding!" Was all she said and from there, I knew that the nightmares Brayden were having got to me.

"Oh god..." I said, and quickly left the classroom.

I walked back to my dorm, holding a paper towel to my cheek. Once I get back, I sit at my computer and search for information.

I walked back to my dorm, holding a paper towel to my cheek. Once I get back, I sit at my computer and search for information.

"His name is Freddy Krueger." I turned around to see Anna behind me. "What?" I asked, confused. "He molested and murdered children. He ended up killing his own wife and was burned to death by the parents of the children." I shook my head, "Wh-what? How do you know this?" She sighed and sat down on the bed, "Zach has been having them too. He wakes up and has cuts all over him... So, like the nut I am, I look him up, hack into some records and its fucking terrifying." She says while looking down. "What's happening?" I run my hands through my hair, "I think we're going crazy." She shook her head, "No, we're not, my brother got sent away for this, we didn't believe him but we should have."

"Wait, you hacked into some records?" I ask. Anna shrugs, "I know my way around a computer." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you did, you freaking nerd." I said as I turned back around and put a bandaid on my cheek.

"You can't tell anyone about these flies... not even Brayden." Anna says, worriedly.

"Wait, does Zach know of these flies, Anna?" I ask.

"No ever since what happened to my brother, I did what ever it took to figure what happened...." She says, I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Come here, Anna. I won't tell anyone, you have my word." I said as I got up and hugged her.

Me and Anna have been friends since we were little kids. Her family was like my second family, so when her brother got sent away it hurt me too. He was like my big brother.

"Hey, hey, hey girls, how's everyone doing?" says Zach with a drink in his hand and Brayden following.

"Hey bab- what the hell happened to your cheek?! Who am I gonna have to beat?" Brayden says with a bit of anger.

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