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It was a momentous occasion when I finally donned the white coat of an intern doctor, adorned with the coveted "Dr." preceding my name. Anticipation had built up to this point, yet the reality proved to be a whirlwind of chaos and exhaustion. Days were a blur of constant activity, from attending to patients in the OPD to burying myself in study materials for the upcoming PG exams. On top of that, there were the incessant errands demanded by senior doctors, all in the pursuit of ensuring a smooth internship experience. It was a daunting task, one that often left me teetering on the brink of frustration and exhaustion. There were moments when the pressure threatened to crush my spirits, tempting me to abandon my aspirations. However, with grit and determination, I reminded myself that if I had made it this far, I possessed the resilience to overcome any obstacle that came my way.

Each day commenced with the frenetic energy of the OPD, where the steady stream of patients served as a reminder of the weight of responsibility resting on my shoulders. From there, it was a seamless transition to the operating theater, where I found myself immersed in the intricacies of surgical procedures. By day's end, the only respite I sought was the blissful embrace of sleep, a temporary escape from the demands of my profession.

Then, almost four months into my internship, fate intervened in the form of an unexpected encounter. In the bustling halls of the hospital's OPD, I crossed paths with Shreyas, a familiar face from the past. It was a surprise to see him there, pursuing his PG studies, yet the sight filled me with a strange mixture of joy and trepidation. I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty - did he even remember me? His demeanor suggested otherwise, his attention seemingly elsewhere as he remained engrossed in his phone.

Despite his apparent indifference, memories of our previous encounter flooded my mind with startling clarity. I recalled every detail of our conversation, his attentive gaze, and the warmth of his smile. It was as if time stood still, transporting me back to that moment when our paths first crossed. His presence lingered in my thoughts long after our brief interaction, a constant presence that refused to be ignored.

Returning home from Amrit's place that day, thoughts of Shreyas consumed me entirely. Next day I returned to Lucknow, I told Manya about everything that happened to me, yet my excitement was short-lived. Reality came crashing down as I realized the precariousness of my situation. We scoured social media in a futile attempt to reconnect, eventually stumbling upon his profile through mutual connections. His photos depicted a life filled with adventure and excitement, a stark contrast to the mundane realities of hospital life.

Despite the temptation to reach out, I hesitated. What if his kindness had been nothing more than a fleeting gesture of sympathy? What if our connection had been nothing more than a passing moment in time? The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me paralyzed with indecision. For now, I contented myself with the memories we shared, hoping against hope that fate would one day bring us together again.

The cold embrace of December marked the beginning of my journey in the medicine department as an intern. Accompanied by my group of fellow interns, we ventured forth into the unknown, uncertain of what lay ahead. As the senior resident welcomed us, confirming our names one by one, my attention was momentarily captivated elsewhere. Amidst the bustling activity, my gaze fell upon a familiar figure near the water dispenser - Shreyas.

As our names echoed in the room, he turned towards us, his eyes briefly scanning our group before locking with mine. In that fleeting moment, I sensed a glimmer of recognition, igniting a spark of happiness within me. It was a feeling I had suppressed for two long years, now bubbling to the surface. Despite the possibility of unrequited feelings, I couldn't help but be drawn to him.

My internship in the medicine department progressed smoothly, with my focus divided between clinical duties and preparations for the impending PG exam. Amidst the hectic schedule, casual interactions with Shreyas became a welcomed reprieve. I harbored ambitions of securing admission to a reputable medical college for my PG studies, perhaps even the same institution where I am right now. The allure of academic excellence overshadowed any thoughts of romantic entanglements; my priority was to excel in my career pursuits.

Yet, my hopes of mutual affection remained tempered by Shreyas's apparent disinterest. Often engrossed in his phone or lost in thought, he appeared aloof to the possibility of romance. Despite my desire to believe otherwise, his indifference left me questioning the depth of his feelings. Our interactions remained confined to formal exchanges, revolving around patient files and professional matters.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding his personal life, I couldn't shake the longing in my heart. Did he harbor feelings for someone else? The answers eluded me, obscured by his inscrutable demeanor. Nonetheless, I remained steadfast in my commitment to academic excellence, trusting that fate would unveil its secrets in due time.

Vanshika was the only resident with whom I engaged in casual conversation. She had completed her MBBS from the same college as me, making her two years my senior during our undergraduate years. However, in her current role as a junior resident, she was now only one year ahead of me. Being someone who had never resided in the hostel, I often found it challenging to connect with others. Vanshika, however, had been kind to me even during our MBBS days. Our acquaintance began through Manya, who, much like me, had few friends. Vanshika often assisted us with practicals and exams, sharing vital insights and guidance. While she exuded an air of coolness, her penchant for jokes occasionally bordered on the excessive. Nonetheless, this minor flaw aside, she remained a valuable friend and ally throughout our medical journey.






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