Truth or Dare (part two)

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Hermione: Let's see...on you Ginny, Truth or Dare?

Ginny: Truth!

Hermione: Why did you went on dates with Dean but didn't date him?

Ginny: erm... Well you see, he asked me on a date and I said yes... We went on a few... But there was one thing... I didn't liked him. Ron, Truth or Dare?

Ron: Dare

Ginny: Dance around in the great hall at Dinner.

Ron: Noooo.

Fred: You have to do it.

Ron: Alright. Harry, Truth or Dare.

Harry: Dare.

Ron: hehehe, Confess to your crush, hahaha.

Harry: *gulps*

Ron: Also ask her to be your girlfriend.

Harry: Ginny...I - I have fallen for you, it is n-no more a silly crush, I-I think I love y-you. Will you be my girlfriend?

Ginny: *nearly faints*

Ginny: This is not a dream right? Is Harry Potter really proposing to me!?

Harry: erm...yes?

Ginny: Oh my Merlin Harry! I have loved you for ages! It's a yes!!!

Harry: R-Really? *Faints*

Hermione: *catches Harry*

Ron: W-What!?

Fred: We guessed it right then
George: That's it for today guys, I think we will end the game here as Harry has fainted.


I know this is short but that's it.
BTW, Ron did danced infront of everyone, if you want longer chapters, try 'Harry Potter and the Twisted Laws', another book of mine, hope you enjoy that too.

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