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Ron: Harry!!

Harry: What!? And why is the group named after me?

Ginny: What happened?

Ron: He is acting wierd lately!

Draco: Bahhahahaaahha! Potter's gone mad! Bahahaha!

Harry: Shut up Ferret!
Ginny: Shut up Ferret!

Hermione: What's wrong guys?

Ron: Harry is acting wierd lately...


Harry's personal chat

(Left side- Hermione, Right side- Harry)


hould I tell them Harry?

Tell them what?

That you are acting wierd lately because you have a crush...

No, I don't have a crush.

Harry, you can't lie to me, I am your bestfriend and sister, you like Ginny!

Uh- Huh
Tell me one thing Mione
How are you a know it all!?

Harry and Ginny sitting on a tree

Stop! Stop! Stop!
Ginny is sitting across the lake, what if she noticed me!?

Aww, my brother is blushing 🤣



Back to the group chat

Hermione: That's because he have a huge crush on someone.

Ron: What!? Harry, you are my best mate! How come I don't know about her? How can you tell Hermione and not me?

Harry: Ron! I didn't told Hermione! She just knows everything 🤷🏻.

Ginny: That means you have a huge crush on someone. Who it is?

Harry's personal chat

(Left side- Hermione, Right side- Harry)

Now Ginny knows too!
What should I do!!

I don't know

You know everything for God's sake, Hermione!

I don't know, just say the truth.
I was setting you up!

But she is seeing Dean!

They just went on a few dates,
She is 'officialy single'

She's over me Mione
She don't likes me anymore
You, yourself said that.

Harry Potter and The Group ChatWhere stories live. Discover now