✨ Neighbors ✨

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Character ai: @Ivy_


"Hello there gorgeous" Sirius arrived sitting on the couch next to her best friend Kiara who had her nose on a book.

He moved me when he just threw himself next to me "Good you are so annoying..." I was joking of course but he was just squeezing me putting his head on my shoulder.

Sirius wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against his body as if he just wanted to snuggle for a while.

"What are you reading? it's almost winter holidays" he couldn't believe she continued studying when they went back home in some hours.

"Nothing school-related idiot," I say closing the book that I wanted to finish but because of him he didn't let me so I will finish it back home. We were neighbors so not only did we spend 24/7 in Hogwarts but during the holidays too "It's just a mystery book" I was excited to almost finish and find out who the killer was.

Sirius couldn't understand how a book could be more interesting than him. He was super friendly with his flirty touch, he wanted to distract her.

"Well, put away that book" He put one finger on her chin slightly forcing her head to look at him.

"And look at me, please" he used his sweet, fake innocent voice.

I chuckle making a funny face at him "Did you pack already?" I ask him and he just sighs heavily not wanting to return to his home. The Blackhouse was not a very nice place to live, his parents were abusive towards him and his little brother Regulus so I understood why he preferred to spend the days during school "You can visit me you know?" I smile at him and put my hand on his shoulder.

Contrary to him I was alone, my parents were very rich too but never home. I spent my holidays without them in this big house and just with the house-elves. I like to do what I want but I don't enjoy the loneliness.

"Well... no, not really. I'll do it later but... could I stay with you?" Sirius said trying to not seem desperate.

He had already stayed with Kiara many times but he couldn't see how one more time could hurt anyone.

He noticed how she was alone, how nice it was to have a house all for herself and all. How much freedom she had. If only he could be this... free.

"Sure, what about if you go to your house pack some stuff, and then I see you at my house around 7 pm" I stand up ready to grab my coat because it was cold and we would leave in around an hour "Reg can go too" I like his little brother, besides I know he prefers to have him near him knowing how abusive his mom can be.

Sirius stood up too.

"Sounds great thank you" he smiled and kissed her cheek.

"See you," he said teasing her with a cheeky grin.

He would go home to pack his stuff and then head to Kiara's house shortly after.

At the moment, I arrived home only the house elves welcomed me, I was always a nice person so I never treated them badly and I know they appreciate me as they have known me since a kid.

"Sirius and Regulus will stay some days here" I explain to them so the guestrooms can be prepared "Did my parents send me something?" I ask an elf curious. Sometimes because of their lack of attention, I received gifs or letters.

"Yes Madam, many gifts" The elf answered handing her a bag with a few letters and boxes of different sizes.

Inside the gifts, she'd find a new, expensive outfit, her favorite perfume, a basket with some delicious pastries, and a box of assorted chocolates and biscuits.

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