Chapter 26 - Copilot

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Ahhh! This is my longest chapter yet! Over 8,000 words! I couldn't bring myself to break this up into several chapters, it all had to be together to flow properly! I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for the lovely comments! <3

Lauren jolted, face wet with tears, and heart hammering beneath her ribs. Sweat soaked hair stuck to her forehead as she shot up in a blur of motion. The time was lost on her as she broke from the office frantically, her boots left behind.

Feverishly, she swiped away the damp hair from her vision, tears still leaking from her puffy eyes as her bare feet padded against the cold concrete.

"Who shit in your cereal?" Nitrozeus quipped, his vocals frying in apparent tiredness.

A roll of thunder caused the decrepit building to tremble. It was dark, perhaps still night.

The storm went unnoticed as she reached the ground floor, swallowing back her sobs as she rubbed at her eyes. A flash of lighting illuminated the room, allowing her to see the decepticons for a moments time.

She felt like she was going to fall over as the blood thrummed in her ears, chest heaving. "Soundwave!" She called into the darkness.

"Keep whinnying like that and you may just wake up Barricade betsy." Nitrozeus followed up, facetious irritation laced his tone.

"Soundwave!" She cried once more as optics lit up the darkness.

A growl ripped through the night. "Silence, fleshbag!" Barricade commanded.

The communications officer onlined in that moment, rising to his feet steadily. "Speak, human." His tone was as robotic as ever, if a little short. "What do you want?"

Lauren approached the mech, nearly tripping over herself. "I-its Megatron. He needs our help, we have to go!"

A round of grunts and groans filled the building.

She bid them no mind. "I saw it! Please, you have to believe me!" Fresh tears sprang from her already sore eyes.

"Designation Onslaught is in no operable shape. We do not defy direct orders." Soundwave relayed flatly.

"Go back to recharge, insect." Onslaught ground out.

"No, no, no! Please!" Another plea. "Please-"

Blackout stalked into the building, his form drenched from the downpour. "What is the cause of such commotion?" He growled.

"We will not disobey direct orders." Soundwave came once more, sights panned down to face her.  

Nitrozeus groaned with a roll of his optic from where he resided. "Megatron would bust our asses if we interfered with his fun."

"Insolent humans."

Lauren felt like she was going stir crazy. "None of you are listening to me!" She wailed perilously. 

"Because you're spewing nonsense, fleshling." Onslaught countered.

Soundwave remained silent, Barricade growled angrily into the darkness.

"What is it you think you saw?" Blackout prodded, optics narrowed.

Spinning to face the chopper, she bellowed. "He's hurt and dying and- and-"

"Where?" The mech cut her off, dropping to a kneel.

"Let the human babble!" Barricade hissed.

"You're lonely, just say it cowgirl."

Lauren approached. "He's bleeding by a lake, pond- something! I know what I saw!" The last part was aimed at everyone else.

"Lack in sufficient evidence." Soundwave interrupted.

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