Chapter 16 - Rust

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Lauren placed her hands atop her hips and gazed upon her impeccable organization skills, having gathered all her newly acquired items. A small smile played onto her dry lips and sweat coated her skin, courtesy of the scorching sun. Her short, uneven hair tickled the nape of her neck and she was constantly tucking stray strands back behind her ear in an effort to keep it out of her eyes. So much for her stylist career. 

Among all the items she had amassed, her favorites consisted of a near full shop's worth of tools packed away neatly, a can of blueberry pie filling that she'd save for the next 'special occasion', and a duffle bag that contained the clothes of a soldier named 'Derek'. A small part of her felt bad for the apparent robbery of someone's wardrobe, but she'd guiltily admit she was thankful for the spare clothes (even if they were too big in all the places she did not need extra room in). Oh, and don't forget the sweet little satellite radio she'd nabbed. It was her prized jewel in the shit storm she was pulled into. Her very own small, portable piece of heaven. 

Did it sound like shit? Yes. Was finding a station more trouble than it was worth? Also yes, but she'd bite her tongue. 

Among other things, she was now the proud owner of a yellow paint can. Not that she had much use for the substance in her current predicament, but it was something she could call hers nonetheless. Plus, the color was reminiscent of the dandelions that'd bloom in her lawn during spring. 

Using her forearm, she wiped away the beading sweat on her brow as she tediously messed with the dial on the small radio, her face screwed up in concentration. 

"Your irritating wavelengths are not pertinent to your task at hand, girl." Megatron bit from his sat position. "Do not avoid the inevitable." 

"Yeah, yeah. One sec, I almost got it-" And just as the words left her mouth, she managed to tune into an English station, a triumphant smile graced her lips as she stood tall. The brunette turned on her heel to gather the needed supplies for that day's excursion; the removal of rust from Megatron-all-mighty and the addition of new metals to his already bulky body. 

With a razor scraper in one hand and a vinegar soaked rag in the other, she set to work, keen on starting on his lowest parts first and foremost as she happily sang along with the music. The sun beat down on her unforgivingly, but she was more than happy to be hands on and a liability no more. At least, that's how she felt about the situation. 

"When I close my eyes, I'm going out of my head. Lost in a fairytale, can you hold my hands and be my guide? Clouds filled with stars cover your skies." 

She worked diligently and with pride, unsuspecting of the optics that observed the odd spectacle. 

Nitrozeus whistled, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he leaned against a rock. "Dayum, what's she going to do next? Dig up Energon with her bare hands?" His words were delivered with sarcasm and a shrug. "Carry his sparklings?" 

Blackout cast the sight a hard, distasteful glare, a scoff followed suit. "It's a disgusting display." 

"How far up are your panties buried in your ass?" 

"He should've had your helm the night of arrival or did he damage your processors too?" Blackout insulted incredulously with a gesture to the mangled metal of Nitrozeus's shoulder servo. 

The comment rolled off the bot. "I already apologized, made my peace man." 

The helicopter bot turned an incredulous eye to his fellow decepticon. "You do no such thing." 

"And they'll get over it, old shit is still shit. You hear?"

Soundwave remained further out on the skirt of their so called camp, doing what he did best; gathering valuable intel and breaching the once thought-unbreachable, not paying much mind to his lord or the small femme he'd proclaimed as 'his mate'. 

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