Trust Me

258 21 14

A good portion of time and a few drinks into the evening, things seem to settle down. I'm currently standing with Suguru as Satoru left to take a call earlier, and I can't help but glance through the glass doors of the bar to see what he's doing outside. He's having quite an animated, and possibly even angry conversation with someone as he holds his phone up to his ear.

"You want to know who he's talking to?" Suguru asks and I look over to him.

"Nope." I say simply, taking a sip of my drink. He lets out a low laugh in response, as if he knows I'm lying. I glance back over to where Satoru is outside, and he's even making hand gestures now, showing that he's really worked up. Although, that could be down to the alcohol he's consumed this evening. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn around to see Nanami there.

"I'm going to head out. Thanks for tonight." He tells me and I give him a smile.

"You should thank Toji." I tell him whilst pointing to where Toji is talking to a woman he met at the bar earlier. "He's the one who arranged this." Nanami nods in response before giving me one last pat on the shoulder and exiting the bar. I let out a yawn before turning to Suguru.

"I'm going to head off now too, sorry." I inform him and he gives me a warm smile in response.

"No need to apologise. Will you get home okay?" He asks and I nod before getting up from my chair slowly to appear as steady as possible on my feet.

"I'll be fine, thanks." I say as I make my way out of the building and into the night air. I check my watch to see that it's 11pm and the breeze has turned into a cold wind. I wrap my jacket around myself tightly, before brushing my windswept hair out of my face to clear my vision. Making my way to the corner of the pavement, I begin to scan the road for a taxi.

As I look left down the street, I catch Satoru in the corner of my eye. He must have just finished his phone call as he tucks the device back in his blazer pocket. I watch as Suguru exits the bar and greets him on the street before I turn back away. Whatever he was talking about on that phone call seemed really unpleasant, I bet he's in a really bad mood right now.

I turn my attention back to the road and check the area for any taxis, swaying slightly in the evening wind as I do so. I finally see one with their light on and stick my hand out, only for someone to grab my wrist and lower it for me. I turn to my left alarmed, only to see Satoru standing there as he holds my wrist in his hand.

"You got your cast off." He says, not really to me, but as a statement to himself.

"Um, yeah, yesterday." I tell him as he finally releases my arm and lets it drop to my side.

"Are you going home?" Satoru asks and I nod in response. "I'll take you." He says simply before pointing to the black Maybach which is parked down the street. As I look up at him, I wonder if this is really a good idea. The way his hair is tousled in the breeze, the light pink over the bridge of his nose which shows that he's just as drunk as me...

"Are you cold?" He asks and I involuntarily nod, I was so caught up in looking at his appearance that I didn't really register what he was saying. Without making another sound, Satoru removes his jacket and places it around my shoulders. I hold it there before looking back up at him, slightly surprised. It's still warm from when he was wearing it, and I can feel his hand lingering on my upper back.

"Thank you." I practically whisper and he smiles at me in response before we both walk over to where James is parked. I just realised I never gave a verbal response to him taking me home, then again, I guess he wasn't asking in the first place, it was more of a demand.

Satoru opens the door for me and guides me in by his hand on my back before coming round the other side of the car and sitting beside me. Wait... sitting beside me? Oh my god I accidentally sat in the middle seat rather than the far seat.

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