The Boy and The Scientist

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A little later in the day, Jake had finally arrived at school and though his teacher was aware that he was going to be late to the first period he was still worried.

"Man, that took a lot longer than expected." Jake said to himself. "And I can't believe Ryan works there too. Ugh, this day can't get any-"

Right before he was able to finish his sentence, Jake suddenly bumped into someone and knocked them over.

"Oh, my gosh I am so sorry." Jake said as he reached his hand out to help the girl out. "Are you okay miss?"

When the girl looked up, it was revealed to be none other than Melissa Shield. "Oh, no, it's okay I wasn't looking where I was going." She said acting nervous and embarrassed as she took Jake's hand. "My name's Melissa Shield and I just moved here. You must be Jakob Moon?"

"Uhh, yeah but my friends call me Jake." Jake said a little confused. "How do you know my name?"

"I have my ways." She smiled as Jake couldn't help but blush a little at the blonde haired girl before she spoke up again. "Anyway, I got lost trying to find Mr. Adams' Class. You think you can help me?"

"Of course I can." Jake said with a smile. "I have him first period anyway."

"Great! Thank you!" Melissa smiled as the 2 started to walk to class together.

"So, you live on an island?" Jake said, in surprise as they began to talk to each other. "That's pretty cool. But what made you want to go to school all the way here in New York?"

"Well. . . it's complicated." Melissa said. "My papa got into some work trouble and we had to leave for a bit."

"Man, that sucks." Jake said. "But I'm glad you're liking it here so far."

"Meh. . . It could be better." Melissa said. 'Like if I wasn't leashed to a demon freak! I really hope this plan works, or else I might just give up.'

"Yeah, I guess it's a bit boring here." Jake said. "I've always wanted to get out and do more with my life. But instead I'm living with my sister and best friend."

"What's stopping you from doing what you want?" Melissa asked.

"It's complicated." Jake said. "And not that interesting, either."

"Well. . . I bet I can help with that." Melissa said.

"Really?" Jake asked. "How so?"

"Well. . . it really just depends." Melissa said. "What kind of stuff do you like to do?"

"Hmm. . . I haven't really got the chance to get to explore my choices yet." Jake said. "I'm a bum, okay?! I've been mooching off my sister for  decent living conditions."

"Maybe I can help you do some exploring?" Melissa asked. "I'll help you see the world and get some inspiration."

"You'd really do that?" Jake asked. "I don't know. . . I have a job now, so it won't be easy for me to get more out there."

"Where do you work?" Melissa asked.

"The cafe just right around the corner." Jake said. "I just got a job there."

"That's cool." Melissa said. "How about I stop by there on your lunch breaks and we can chat about stuff?"

"That would be fine, I think." Jake said. 'And a great way to get Ryan off my butt for some time. Orientation was a wreck with her.'

"So. . . do you work tomorrow?" Melissa asked.

"I do start tomorrow, yes." Jake said. "Almost immediately after school."

"Then I'll stop by after school tomorrow." Melissa said. "We can hang out then."

"Okay, that sounds fine." Jake said. "My lunch breaks are late, though. Is 6:00 a fair time to be hanging out with me there?"

"I. . . I think so." Melissa said, thinking about Alastor and what he'd think. "It all comes down to how my, um. . . Papa. . . is feeling about me going out that late."

"That's cool." Jake said. "I also have 3:00 breaks on weekends, of that's better."

"No, I'll try and make it tomorrow." Melissa said.

At that moment, the two of them made it to the classroom they were looking for.

"Well, here's Mr. Adams' class." Jake said. "Let's go on in."

Jake and Melissa then went inside as class was just about to begin.

"Ah, Jake. . . you're right on time for once." Mr. Adams said. "And who's that? I haven't seen her before."

"I'm Melissa Shield." Melissa said. "I'm new."

"Oh, well in that case. . . everyone, welcome out new student." Mr. Adams said. "Say hello to Melissa Shield."

"Hi, Melissa. . ." The whole class said at the same time.

"Ooh, this is nice." Melissa said with a bright smile. "I'm definitely going to enjoy it here."

"Well, that's quite the enthusiasm." Jake said, taking a seat.

Melissa then took the seat right next to him. "Wait. . . this seat isn't taken, is it?" She asked.

"No, it's been empty since the first day." Jake said. "I don't think anyone really likes me."

"Cool." Melissa said.

"Hey, quiet back there." Mr. Adams said. "I'd hate to have you step outside, new girl."

"Uh, it's Melissa." Melissa said.

"Open your textbooks to page 154." Mr. Adams said, ignoring her and turning to the whiteboard.

"Oh. . . okay then." Melissa said.

"It's alright." Jake whispered to Melissa. "He's usually a pretty lame teacher. You'll get used to it. And we also think he has depression or something."

"Oh. . . right." Melissa said, as she flipped open her textbook as instructed.

Melissa then pressed her fingers to her earpiece and spoke softly into it. "Target secure. . ." She said.

"Perfect." Shoto spoke form the other end. "This may end up being easier than we originally thought. Keep doing good, guys."

Melissa sighed as she turned off the earpiece. A part of her felt guilty for manipulating Jake and the other targets like this, but she knew her soul was on the line. And she wasn't about to lose it to the likes of the radio demon.

Both Jake and Melissa then continued to learn in their next few classes, which Melissa "coincidentally" had the same classes as him all day. It was clear that they were already getting along very well, making Melissa feel even more guilty.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in a hidden lair, Alastor was listening to them through an old-timey radio. And he couldn't help but chuckle to himself, seeing his plan was working out so far.

To be continued. . .

Jake Moon belongs to me

My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Hirokoshi

All rights reserved

Chapter was written by me

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