Chapter 5 | Respect Goes Far

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---Late Day---

Opening my dorm door, twisting the key, locking the door, before pulling it out, shutting it behind me I walk with this sense of annoyance into the bathroom, tossing my wet swim trunks and muscle shirt into the hanger inside the shower to dry. Then flopping atop my bed all cock eyed across it, groaning into the pillow. I hear my phone go off three or four times. "God damn it... Don't tell me..." I lift my face up and bring my phone out my pocket to my face. My social media account was getting blown up. Opening Juustagram. I go to messages, finding exactly what I feared and expected. "It's a damn good thing I didn't give them my number. Or I'd-" Mid-sentence closing the app and setting the WHOLE APP to silenced for the next 12 hours. After which I'll return to giving notifications. Then returning to the app as I continued my sentence. "Have to pull the battery out!" Of course, not thinking or considering that Nelson had my number. Then Enterprise, who had all but already acquired my number and social months ago. But I can put up with Enty, and Nelson I can just ignore. Reading the first, and oldest message of today's contact name/account name before I opened the message.

"Von_Bismarck_II_Real ✔" With a checkmark next to her account name. Ensuring those who observed her account that she was the! REAL One, if the word REAL didn't already push that message enough. I then open it. Of which it read as follows, I read it in my head. "Hey, sorry if I came off a bit strong. Hopefully I didn't run you off! I also wanted to tell you that I enjoyed getting to meet and hangout with you today! I'm hopeful we'll have the chance to do it again sometime? Hope to hear back from you soon! Or whenever you get a chance to respond!" I shoot back a text that was simply a lie, I felt it was better to make a believable white lie and make things seem innocent then be blunt and say they annoyed me to death. "Did I? Sorry! I saw my Grandpa and Grandma and ran over to greet them, when I turned around you guys were gone! I'm not sure what happened there? I enjoyed hanging out with everyone today! Hopefully we'll get another chance to hangout! Tell Eugen I said hello!" Wording it as friendly as I could. INSTANTLY! I can't even make it up!

Her little profile picture bubble that shows what messages have been read moved down to my message, showing she was immediately reading it. So, she likely was just staring at the phone, waiting for a response. On to the next profile and message. "The_Black_Dragon_62 ✔" Opening the message, I can see our previous messages from about a week or two ago! New Jersey and I knew each other! But had only met once in person BEFORE now. That being briefly at basic training! Before getting sent to different locations to continue said training. Later her brother gave her my Juustagram. So... Do what you will with that information. I glance up at the last conversation we had about a week ago, before her new message. "...-You're the kind of person who makes girls cry. So! You'd better feel bad about it!" Jersey texted. "If you're not willing to commit! Then just stay away from relationships. That's a motto some Commanders and ships just don't seem to follow." I responded.

"Right!? I can't stand that stuff. I mean, it takes a special kind of... Excuse my language, a special kind of asshole to get with a woman and immediately cheat on her with her sister!!!" "And you know that doesn't just ruin the relationship; it ruins their siblingship too! They're never going to get along or respect each other again!" "Exactly! Anyway! The commanders calling for all able hands, guess sirens are sighted near Malta! I'll be happy when they transfer me from this place! I mean I need the experience! But I can't get any time to myself out here! It's every waking minute you know?" "I understand that! Well! Be safe Big J! Tell Wisconsin and Hornet I said hello!" "Will do! Hey! Tell Iowa I'm alive! Lol! Talk to you later cutie!" I notably don't respond to her subtle flirt at the end of that previous conversation. Nor respond at all. Now looking down at her recently sent message! Aka Todays.

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