The History Lesson

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(Be aware! Azur Lane Lore is different from WWI-WWII!)

Azur Lane, the name of the strongest naval alliance in the world! An alliance who's sole existence prevents the siren threat of expanding, it prevents wars between the major factions. An prevents major factions from declaring war unto smaller factions and nations without the vote of it's existing members. The alliance grew in size after 1920. When the Iron blood announced its joining. And again in 1925, when the newly formed navy of the Dragon Empery and newly governed nation of Northern Parliament entered the alliance. After such. The Alliance dedicated resource, time, and it's greatest commanders towards strengthening one another's bonds, their navies technology through combined efforts under one roof, strengthening their navies, both in numbers and experience all of which to combat the siren threat more effectively. The most notable action of the alliance was it's building of international base locations across the oceans. Locations all ran under the Azur Lane flag.

Not by any particular nations government! People, families, warships, pets, lifestyles, entire cultures, architecture, etc of the nations under Azur Lane all moved into these island-based ports! Building tightly knit communities. By 1927! We had 10 Islands like these! Worldwide!!! Ships began being stationed and rotated between these islands along with their nations of origins ports! Protecting the waters surrounding! An with such, we found ships of different nations interacting, meeting, talking, and becoming connected to each other in a way that seemed utterly impossible years prior!!! Each island having civilians of varies national origins! Sharing the very same experience as the ships. The language barrier between these people quickly being overcame!

An as families of both civilian and ship began to grow inside these communities, inside these islands came schools, schools dedicated to teaching children each and every language of those nations in our alliance, teaching of the history behind each nation with in! The history that led down this path! That led humanity into this gracious peace. Preparing an entire generation for what was shaped up to be eternal peace and protection under one flag amongst the titans of the world. No more! Would needless wastes of life come about from war, greed, and lust for power! No more would families be torn by man warring with man ever again! But... We know that it didn't last... You and I... We saw it all. The world that would become in the 40s...

Turning back the clock! In 1922! The Regia Marina experiences a revolution! The nation now ran by a fascist government body. Now renamed the Sargednia Empire. Began making the first moves towards ruining what would have been. Eternal peace. Tensions between Sargednia and Ethiopia spiked with in an instant! The nations new leader, intent on the aim of invading Ethiopia to boost Italian national prestige, which had been wounded by Ethiopia's defeating of Italian forces at the Battle of Adowa in the nineteenth century, which saved Ethiopia from Italian colonization! Tension that wasn't hidden, intentions that weren't covered or masked by the new leader of the nation! By 1925! He'd ordered the disconnect of further joint research and development of warships, civilian Technology, and restarted their nations military research and development independently of Azur Lane's. Immediately turning towards capturing and researching Siren tech for their nations own use in war. Rather than using it towards bettering the world, its people, the alliance, and defeating the Sirens! No... It was used to prepare for a war against man... The exact kind of war our alliance had been built, prepared, and designed to prevent! At the same time as all this. The Iron Blood, under the Locarno Treaties of 1925, moved toward normalizing relations with its neighbor's, recognizing most territorial changes under the 1919 Treaty of Versailles and committing never to go to war. At the same time for them 1923-1929 was a time when the economy boomed, and cultural life flourished in Germany. A time later to be known as the Golden Age of Weimar.

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