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Camila Russell.
Camila stood still crying till Mr. Lucas, who was now her father-in-law, approached her.
"Take it easy on yourself. The driver is waiting for you outside; he'll be taking you to your husband's house," Mr. Lucas said. He also began walking away, but Camila was fast enough to follow him closely from behind.
The moment she got outside, her new father-in-law saw to it that she was tucked into the car. The driver quickly got behind the wheel, and Camila hesitated for a moment before getting into the car. As it pulled away from the court, she couldn't help but think about her new life as Leonardo's wife. The thoughts of an unfamiliar future weighed heavily on her mind.
The drive to her new home was quiet, the driver sparing no words. Camila kept her gaze out of the window, observing the unfamiliar surroundings. The scenery changed from the city to a more suburban area with lush greenery and beautiful houses. When they finally stopped in front of a huge white mansion, Camila couldn't believe her eyes.
The mansion was unlike anything she had ever seen, dwarfing her parents' house by a mile. It was grand and luxurious, with beautifully manicured gardens and an air of opulence that made Camila feel out of place. The driver got out to open the door for her, and Camila stepped out, her heart pounding.
Camila couldn't help but drool over the magnificent building before her as she strode towards the main entrance with a shocked but lonely look on her face.
She must agree she had never seen a building as big as this in her entire life. Not that she's always out of her parents' backyard to inspect the whole neighborhood for huge houses. But one thing she was sure of right now was that her parents' house was nowhere near as huge as this.
Camila got to the main front door, and before she could knock, the door was swung open by a medium-height, middle-aged lady who seemed to be the caretaker of the mansion.
"HI, I'm…"
Camila made to introduce.
"My master's new wedded wife, come on in. Mr. Lucas told me a lot about you, so I literally was expecting you," the lady said, flashing a huge smile at Camila.
"Oh, thanks," Camila muttered, not knowing what else to say.
"You can call me Nadia, by the way. What's your name, sweetie?" Nadia asked as she led Camila up the stairs to her room, and as they took each step forward, Camila became more timid and sluggish.
"Camila," Camila finally replied, and Nadia stopped in her tracks to face Camila, who gave her an innocent puzzled look.
"You have a beautiful name. But I don't think it suits you perfectly; your parents didn't take their time in studying your innocent composure. The name Camila is mostly borne by girls who have a very sharp personality with lots of craziness mixed with it. But with the way I'm staring at you, you look too young and innocent to be bearing such a name," Nadia said, and Camila blinked profusely in surprise.
"I'll call you whatever name I feel like, but it certainly won't be Camila. And don't get scared, okay? The master doesn't live here; he stays in his private mansion located at the north side of Mexico," Nadia said, and Camila almost gasped in shock.
"I heard the wedding was based on a contract, but you can take it on yourself to make sure it becomes a marriage just like everyone else's. You can make…"
"No, no. I'm really okay and happy this way. It's good he doesn't stay; that means I have this entire mansion to myself," Camila interrupted, with a brighter mood since she was told her mood-wrecker wasn't going to live with her like other married couples do.
Finally, they stopped right in front of a door, and Nadia faced Camila.
"Go in and freshen up, then come down for lunch," Nadia smiled before walking away, and Camila nodded before going into the room.
Camila nodded, her spirits lifting slightly. "Thank you, Nadia."
Once inside her room, Camila couldn't help but marvel at its grandeur. The lavish furnishings and elegant decor were a stark contrast to her previous life. She shed her fake wedding dress and headed for the bathroom, needing a moment to compose herself.
As the water from the shower cascaded down, Camila allowed herself to cry. The events of the day had taken a toll on her, and the realization that her life had changed completely was overwhelming. She had gone from being a simple girl with dreams of owning her own coffee shop to the wife of a billionaire CEO.
Minutes later, Camila descended the stairs dressed in a long skirt and a turtleneck outfit. She made her way straight to the kitchen, where the strong aroma of grilled meat and veggies was oozing.
Camila was a big-time picky eater, mostly because of the badly prepared food the maids gave her back at her parent's mansion. But right now, it seemed everything was going to change, since she was now in a huge mansion where the lady in charge seemed to be well concerned about her feeding and diet.  It was evident that the mansion's staff was well-prepared for her arrival, and she couldn't help but feel a little grateful for their consideration.
It was when she was about to bring out plates to assist in dishing out the food that her phone pinged, and a message popped up instantly.
It was from the school she had secretly applied to with her own personal money without her parents finding out. Not like the money was actually hers; they were straight out of her father's pocket.
Though he treated her horribly, he never missed a day in sending her her daily allowance, just the same amount she guessed he was giving her elder sister, Olivia.
One thing she was sure of was that Olivia and her mom both knew nothing about it.
Now, after a series of trials and applying online, she finally got into her dream school, where she would be studying business management to gain more knowledge about running her own coffee shop, which she would be acquiring soon.
Camila screamed out in joy, dancing funnily around the kitchen.
"What's with all the laughter and smiles?" Nadia inquired curiously.
"I've been accepted into my dream school, and I'll be resuming soon!" Camila informed, and Nadia couldn't help but smile widely. Her smile soon faded when she thought of something.
"That's really good, but does the master know about it yet?" Nadia asked, and Camila frowned.
"He didn't care back then when he left me alone in the courtroom. So I'm pretty sure he won't care about my admission into MBU (Mexican Business University) either," Camila uttered as she impatiently began dishing her food. Nadia sighed before helping her with it.
"Tomorrow night, I want to be the one to cook dinner," Camila announced, and Nadia broke into laughter.
"You don't even know how to handle a big spoon correctly, and you plan on making dinner? I'd love to see how it turns out," Nadia teased, taking the huge spoon from Camila and arranging the veggies by the side of the meat for her, while Camila pouted, feeling offended. Camila pouted, feeling a bit offended. "I can learn, you know. Besides, I'll have plenty of time on my hands."
Leonardo Vincento.
Leonardo sat opposite Kingston, who was currently making out with a girl. Leonardo couldn't help but shake his head in disgrace at his friend, who was having the time of his life.
He picked up his glass of tequila mixed with ice, with the aim of gulping the entire content down in one shot. However, that aim turned into an illusion when Diane, some he hooks up with, came from nowhere, snatched the glass from him, and gulped it down in one shot before settling right next to him.
Kingston, who saw what happened, chuckled lightly before going back to his make-out session.
"What's this I'm hearing about you already being married?" Diane asked, and Leonardo threw her a glare.
"If I am, so what? You don't think I owe you any form of explanation, do you?" Leonardo said coldly, and Diane's eyes widened.
"I thought we agreed on being sex buddies for a long time…"
"Yes, we did, and that's because I hate ladies who have been with almost every man in this city. But don't ever get the wrong impression that I said that because I planned on marrying you," Leonardo uttered, ordering another drink. He glanced at Diane, who wouldn't stop glaring at him.
"Leave; I need some alone time," Leo uttered sternly.
"Why don't you ever tell me anything? What's this I hear about you being married to a little brat who's practically the same age as his sister?" Diane interrogated Kingston.
Kingston, unphased, responded with a smirk. "It seems someone has been doing some research of her own."
  , just immediately he stopped amidst the kiss he was sharing with a girl. He noticed Rose, dressed in a very short skirt and an armless black top, scanning the club's interior as if searching for a place to sit. Kingston's quick reflexes led him to abandon his current company and make his way toward Rose to intervene before Leonardo saw her.
"Kingston, you're here! Is my brother here too? Is this the club both of you visit all the time?" Rose asked in rapid succession, her surprise and curiosity evident.
"Why don't you just go home?" Kingston suggested. Check out the surroundings – it's not suitable for someone like you. Or do you want to risk your brother catching you here?"
Rose's determination remained unshaken. "You're just saying this because you think I'm still a kid .
Kingston decided to put his foot down, pointing out the risks involved. Look around, this place is dangerous for you. If you don't want me to lose my patience and leave you here, I suggest you think twice."
But Rose wouldn't be dissuaded. She fired back, "Why don't you just report me to my brother, then?"
Kingston closed the gap between them, lowering his voice. "I don't snitch; I ditch. If you continue like this, no matter how smart you think you are, you could end up in trouble. So, think wisely."
With that, Kingston grabbed Rose by the wrist and guided her towards the main door. He hailed a taxi for her, as her own car had been confiscated, and watched it drive away. Kingston muttered to himself, "To think a kid who was playing with dolls just yesterday is now so desperate to be in a club. I'm not crazy enough to let that happen.
As Kingston returned to the party, he couldn't shake the thought of Rose being at the club. She was too young and naive to be in a place like this, and he was determined to make sure she didn't get herself into any trouble. He had promised Leonardo to keep an eye on her, and he intended to honor that promise.
Kingston found his way back to the bar and ordered a fresh drink. He observed the energetic atmosphere of the club and noticed a familiar face among the crowd. It was Natasha, a woman he had known for a while. She was a regular at the club and always enjoyed Kingston's company.
Natasha approached Kingston with a flirtatious smile, she leaned towards him and spoke into his ear. "Kingston, fancy seeing you here tonight. Who was that you escorted outside?" she asked, giving him a playful nudge.
Kingston chuckled, his thoughts still on Rose. "That was Rose, my friend's sister. She's a bit too young to be here, so I had to send her home."
Natasha raised an eyebrow. "A young girl like that in a place like this? You're the responsible one, Kingston."
Kingston shrugged. "Someone has to be, I guess. Now, what about you? Are you up for some fun tonight?"
Natasha leaned in closer, her voice sultry. "Always, Kingston. You know how to show a girl a good time."
As they continued their conversation, Kingston couldn't help but wonder how Leonardo was handling the news of Rose's presence at the club. He knew his friend cared deeply for his sister and would likely be furious if he found out where she had been.
Back at the club, Leonardo nursed his drink, his thoughts consumed by work and the looming marriage contract. He knew his decision to marry Camila was purely business, but he couldn't deny the pressure and expectations that came with it.
Diane, who had been keeping a close eye on him, approached him once more. "Leonardo, I can make this whole marriage thing easier for you. I'm just a phone call away whenever you need to relax."
Leonardo sighed, realizing that Diane wouldn't give up easily. "Diane, I appreciate your offer, but it's not the solution I need right now. I have a lot on my plate with work, and I need to focus on that."
Diane leaned in closer, her tone seductive. "You can't resist me, Leo. We have something special, and I can make it worth your while."
Leonardo's patience wore thin, and he stood up abruptly. "Diane, please. I need some space. I have business to attend to."
Diane watched him leave, her expression a mix of frustration and desire. She was determined to win Leonardo over, no matter what it took.

Diane banged her hands on the table in rage.
"I'll make that new girl of yours pay for snatching you away from me!" Diane glared spitefully, gritting her teeth together before standing up and walking away.

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