A Secret Wedding

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Olivia Russell
"Olivia, what's wrong with you? I thought we've spoken about this already. That man is no good for you. Haven't you heard about how he treats ladies? He only moves around with his worthless girlfriend and no one else!" Mrs. Delmour's voice rang with concern.
"I don't effing care, Mom! You and Dad claim to love me more, but you both still went ahead and got that little brat married before me, and not just to anyone, but to that fine piece of human meat," Olivia shouted in frustration. She had been holding onto this resentment for far too long.
Mrs. Delmour shook her head, struggling to understand her daughter's frustration. "Baby, it's an arranged marriage, and your dad and I will find you someone more attractive as a husband, so don't worry, okay? We've got everything sorted out for you already."
"You better keep your promise, okay? It's already disgraceful enough that that brat is getting married before me. I don't want the whole world to know she's getting married before me," Olivia muttered amidst the tight hug her mother enveloped her in.
"Don't worry, honey. I and your dad have got you covered," Mrs. Delmour assured, patting Olivia on the back. Olivia could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect of a potentially disastrous wedding for Camila. She went to her room, sat in front of the mirror and started to talk to herself “if that wretched sister of mine thinks because she’s about to be married to some rich man, then she’s better than me, she better not says it to my face. If I’ve made her regret being born, then I’d make her regret having me as a sister. Dad should have just given her to the Vicento’s for free.  She would make a good maid.”

Camila Russell
After crying and mumbling gibberish words because of the life she’s about to begin, Camila decided that continuing her sketch of her dream coffee shop was the best way to relieve her mood. She wasn't a great artist, but that didn't matter. Right now, she just wanted to feel free and alive, sketching something she knew so well. As a child while her peers played Weddings, and tea parties, she sat by herself every time daydreaming of her coffee shop. And has she grew older it started looking possible, she would say to herself after being treated badly by one of the workers in the mansion “one day I’ll leave this house and I’ll start up a coffee shop”.
Camila wasn't the kind of person who dreamed of extravagant things. Her coffee shop was just as moderate and normal as any other in the neighborhood. It was ironic how she still struggled to make a decent sketch of a simple coffee shop.
Her sadness overwhelmed her, and she dropped her pencil and notepad onto the table before heading to her bed. She hugged her pillow tightly. "I can't believe I'll be getting married in two days," she muttered, her voice barely audible as she cried silently into her fluffy pillow.

Leonardo Vincento
"You know Diane's been complaining about you lately," Kingston Ronald, Leonardo's best friend, commented.
Leonardo barely glanced up from the file he was reading. "That's not news. She can do whatever it is she wants. We both know I don’t not give two flying fucks."
"C'mon, dude, you need to quit making her call and beg you before you go to her. It's not cool," Kingston chuckled, pushing his friend's buttons.
Leonardo's piercing green eyes finally left the document and focused on Kingston. "If you have nothing meaningful to say, it's best you leave. I'm busy, and I have no time for irrelevant gossip, especially when it’s about some woman."

"So tell me, how did it go?" Kingston asked, a smirk forming on his face as he pretended to be engrossed in driving, even though his thoughts were entirely on Leonardo.
"How did what go? The meeting with the potential investors from Thailand?" Leonardo feigned ignorance, his gaze returning to the laptop screen.
Kingston couldn't be deterred so easily. "C'mon, quit acting like you don't know what I meant. You went with your dad to see your fiancée, right? How did it go? Is she as pretty as her parents bragged about? Does she have the rare kind of curves you love in a lady? Because you and I know a woman needs curves to sustain you in between the sheets"
Leonardo threw Kingston a glare that could freeze fire. He wasn't in the mood for this line of questioning, especially about his imminent arranged marriage.

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