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Eli and I got married on the side of Lake Tahoe at sunset and it was beautiful. I loved every second of it and we partied as hard as twenty-one year old could. I wasn't expecting Eli to get as drunk as she did, but she managed it.

We spent the night in one of the cabins along Lake Tahoe and we obviously consummated... A lot.

As for plans going forwards, Eli is still updating Joey's Apocalyptic Diary and keeping up with the café and the greyhound kennel. Everything's is going great and she's not that stressed, which is an upside to that.

I finished my uni course. Yay! I'm using my screenwriting degree to write for a spin-off to Joey's Apocalyptic Diary. Another show where the Creator will remain anonymous. My show is about a single mother dealing with the apocalypse and eventually, she and her kids will cross paths with Joey, Fival- Joey's girlfriend- and the robots, Eli and I have established that. We're so excited about that. In terms of income though, I wrote a script for a live action film. It's the film adaptation of Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson, a book I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I felt that it would be so cool to bring it to life, you know? There's already a lot of hype about it and we're still in the stages of filming. As the script-writer, I do get very heavily involved in the actual production of the film and I'm having a blast with the cast and crew.

Macsen and Rhys are enjoying life with us. Macsen still helps out in the kennel and Rhys likes to listen to my ideas for my spin-off to her Mama's series. Rhys also enjoys coming to work with me and she makes the crew laugh and doesn't cause any trouble. She's especially close to the woman who is playing Niamh Kelly, her name's Eugenie Ryan. This film is her debut and she's doing fantastic.

Gemma and Phoenix visit often, along with both sets of parents. Gemma is still pretty much clueless about Eli being the Creator of her favourite animation series and it's really funny because she still voices one of the characters.

Apollo is a regular visiter. She loves greyhounds and will do anything to come over and spend some time with the dogs. Even offering to foster but we have more than enough space for the twenty or so dogs we have currently. Raphie is the kennel vet and she comes in once a month to check up on the doggos and trim their nails. All the dogs love her and she loves them.

Damien, shockingly, came to me one day and confesses that she was queer. She hadn't had a label in mind yet but she was leaning towards lesbian. She's yet to explore herself yet. She admitted to seeing my wedding planner briefly, which shocked me. Damien was going to bring her to the wedding but she didn't want to go after finding out that Damien was related to one of her clients. They broke it off soon after the wedding.

Arasha found herself a nice guy called Vince from the police department and they're going strong. She brought him to the wedding and they look so happy together.

Shayne came out as bi, and he also told us about his boyfriend, Ricky. They are really cute together and Ricky makes the best coffees, as he's a barista working in Eli's sister-in-law's café. And he's really funny and has a cool mustache.

Obviously Angela and Amanda don't have a love life. They're too young for that, but they love their nieces. It feels weird, being the first Moreno of my generation to have a kid.

My Dad still hasn't met the kids. They're three years older now, they're in kindergarten and can talk in full sentences! He missed the wedding, which was really upsetting for me, it was a last minute work trip. Does he think I'm stupid? I hope not. Eli did her best to console me on the day and it worked for the most part. It just meant that my Mom walked me down the aisle instead of my Dad.

I just don't understand what my Dad has against my kids.

I was interrupted from my little mental rant by my phone ringing, I picked it because it was my Mom, "Hey, Mom." I smile.

"Hey, Chansey. How are you?" she sounded like there was something she needed to tell me.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm not doing so great. Uh, it's your Dad."

"What happened?"

"A letter was posted today. Well, multiple. Um, I think you should come here."


Eli and I walk through the front door of my family home and the kids are just excited to see their Grandma. Rhys has gotten more happy over the years, she laughs at a lot more now and smiles the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. Eli's smile, of course.

"Mom?" I call into the house while Eli helps me out of my jacket and shoes. Something she's always done because she's a gentlewoman.

"Hey, honey." Mom came out, "Come to my office."

"Okay," I nod before I turn to Eli," Can you take the girls up to my old room, Gwenyn?"

"Of course. We'll be waiting." Eli smiled, Macsen and Rhys' faces flashed through my head. Eli leaned in and kissed my lips shortly before taking the kids upstairs. I go to Mom's dinly lit office that had the new edition of a desk lamp, and a pile of envelopes.

"Come sit, sweetheart." Mom patted the chair next to her. She'd always had two chairs in her office. I sat down and Mom handed me and envelope with my name on it, "Just read it. If it's anything like mine, it'll be from your Dad."


I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start with my absence. I've been seeing another woman. Your Mom has trusted me too much it seems, and I've been breaking our marriage vows not long after your first daughter was born.

I was never told that you actually hadn't cheated on Eli. I left after I found out about your pregnancy and I wasn't really home often since. That's when I started seeing Rebecca, my mistress. So I've basically despised you since that terrible January day and I hated your kid too. I didn't want to associate with a kid that was the product of an affair, although I'm one to talk, you've got a little half-sister. I'm sorry I never met your kids and I'm sorry I missed the wedding. It wasn't until I got a very angry Hope on the phone that I had know that Macsen and Rhys were related to both you and Eli.

Your Mom and I are getting a divorce. I'm living out of state and I do not wish to see you or your siblings if I can help it. I know you're all going to be so mad, especially Damien. I hurt your Mom, that's unforgivable. She's been nothing but perfect and I've taken advantage of that.

None of what I have done can be excused. But I'd still like you to know that I'm sorry.

Ryan, your former father.

"What a dick." I mutter, chucking the letter on the desk.

This isn't how I wanted to end this story. I wanted it to be happy and light hearted. Not with the knowledge that my father is an adulterous whore who never sought the whole truth.

The Creator: UNKNOWNTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon