chapter 1

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I woke up to the noises of banging on my bedroom door my mom on the other side screaming "pheonix come on get upits your first day of school" I dreaded school hated it. It was school.  I got up out of bed and went to my closet and pulled out a navy blue dress with black pokadots. I got my dress and and jumped into the shower. Just sitting there thinking what if no one likes me? What if they make fun of me? All my thoughts slowly slipped away as my phone started ringing. It was my friend Hannah. She was my next door neighbor. I only lived here for two weeks and i didn't have any friends but her. She was taking me to school. Since we went to the same school and had the same classes. As i came out of the shower. I answered the phone.
"Hello?" I said
"Phoenix are you ready im waiting outside." Hannah said.

"Okay. Let me finish my makeup and ill be down."

Before she could answer i hung up quickly. Putting my dress on and grabbing my flats and slipping them on. I hurried to the mirror and put on mascarra and eyeliner. Before i left i put some white eyeshadow popping out my bright blue eyes. As I took one more glance ib the mirror my light brown waves falling over my shoulders I was interupted by hearing a honk outside. So I quickly grabbed my phone and bag. I ran out to the car. As I opened hannah greeted me with a smile.
"Hey" she said,
"Hi"i said with a gentle smile. As she was pulling out she took a glance at me and started talking.
"Your so pretty", boys are goibg to be all over you!" She said expanding to you"

"Thank, your really pretty to, i bet you have all the
Boys" i said with a giggle.

Hannah has deep green eyes and blonde, long and wavy hair. She was tan and just gorgeous i was kinda jealous about how pretty she was. As we pulled up to the school parking lot. I was nervous when we got out. I followed hannah to a group of people. When we got there hannah walked to a boy and kissed him. I was assuming that they were dating. Hannah quickly looked at ne then at him.
"Phoenix I want you to meet my boyfriend niall" she said.

"Hey" I said smiling

"Your the new girl?" He said


"Where are you from exazaely" he asked with an arched eyebrow scanning his eyes up and down me.

"Uhm," Arizona." I replied smiling.

"Oh."whyd you move here?"

"I got a scholarship here and my parents got a good job here."

"Oh-" he was interrupted by the bell ringing.

I followed hannah to her locker since mine was right next Her hers. When we sat down in class we all started talking. My gaze easily shifted to the door when i seen him he was gorgeous. He had beautiful green eyes and curly wavey brown hair. His jaw line was amazing.
I found myself blushing when he looked at me and smiled showing a dimple on his left cheek. I quickly turned to hannah and pointed at him, "whose he" i said still pointing at him.

"Oh? him? Thats harry, harry styles. He's niall best friend i can intoduce you to if you want." She said with a wink

"If you want i don't care" i said  smiling.

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