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Ember stormed into her apartment, which she shared with her long-time best friend, Nyra Alder.

Nyra was sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine when Ember slammed the front door open, Nyra could've sworn steam was coming out of the girls ears.

"Woah, what happened?" The darker brunette said as she put the magazine on the table and started to approach the angrily pacing witch.

"I just can't! God, she's such a bitch! She's a whore!" The angry shouts were murmured by screams as the lights started to flicker in the house.

Nyra grabbed Embers shoulders. "Snap out of it, Em. This is what she wants, she knows what you harbor and she takes delight in seeing the power go out. Yeah, she's a bitch but to hell with her, okay?" The American accent calmed the British girl. The emotions weren't gone from Embers system though, as the lights still flickered.

Nyra led Ember to the couch where the girl sat in a daze. This happened from time to time when something or someone would tick Ember off and she'll go mental then calm down by going into a trance. When she was younger, her mom would magically induce her to the calm state and Embers body got so used to it, that she would just... succumb.

"...How fast can you get here? No, I don't know how long she'll be like this. It's been shortening every time. 50 minutes, max. Okay, see you." Nyra had just gotten off the phone with her step-sister. She knew that Ember would probably flip again if she saw her brother so that option was out of the picture. There weren't many other people Nyra could call for the poor girl, her cousin was the best one.

Knocks were heard throughout the apartment as Nyra's cousin finally got there.

"About time." Nyra said as she answered the door.

"Not my fault. Marcel was being weird, anyway where is she?"

"Couch." Nyra closed the door. "How long will this take? I can't bother to see her like this."

"I don't know."

20 minutes. That's how long it took for Ember to get out of the trance. That's how long it took for the two girls to realize that she can't be fixed. Ember is a flame that's died out... that will die out. And no one can do anything about it.

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