6) Lost in Thoughts

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"Well then, show me the common room! C'mon, I'm literally dying to see it!"
Ruby exclaims excitedly, as a "tired by your antics" Draco sighs, and leads her to the common room.

God, it really has been a while.

Draco looks around his comfortable common room, and feels nostalgic. He also feels queasy, recalling the uneasy sleepless nights he spent in this very common room, tossing and turning.

"Well, nice and green innit? This is the common room, lads and girls, both relax here, whereas if you're looking for the girls' dormitory, it's on your left," Draco says, pointing towards the dormitory.

"Best change into my nightwear, don't wanna be sleeping all uncomfy now, do I?" Ruby giggles and rushes up the stairs.

"Best change into my nightwear, don't wanna be sleeping all uncomfy now, do I?" Ruby giggles and rushes up the stairs

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She quickly glances back at Draco, giving him a cheerful wave, before finally disappearing up the stairs.

Draco waves back, smiling unsurely.

What a weird yet fascinating girl?

Draco sinks into a chair, not bothering to change her robes.

Crabbe and Pansy enter the room, having a heated conversation. She notices Draco alone.

"Oh Draco? You're still here? Not getting into bed early are we?" Pansy says, rushing to sit beside Draco.

"I don't know why, but I feel kind of uneasy today. Like, it's a feeling I can't describe. Somehow, it feels like, well - nevermind." Draco says, sighing.

"Aw, don't be like that. If you want to say something, say it, although I won't force it out of you. I'll change the topic. Hmmm, did you like today's pudding? I found it rather disgusting, so I refused to eat a bite of it."

"What an idiot you are to have missed that pudding," Crabbe says annoyingly, as Pansy rolls her eyes.

"You know, unlike some people, I actually care about my appearance, and more than that, you should really focus on eating a little bit less? It'll do you good," Pansy says to him.

Crabbe, looking offended, walks off in a huff.

Draco sniggers, but doesn't let the joke continue.

"Well, I'll say goodnight. Big day tomorrow, Parkinson. Quidditch tryouts. I've already tried, so I'm sure I'll be selected for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Which position, I still wonder." Draco says, slapping his thighs, getting up.

"I understand. Don't pressurise yourself. You'll do just fine," Pansy says, getting up as well.

Draco nods, and goes to his room, scratching his head and yawning.


"Parvati? What's your secret to your long luscious hair? You too, Padma, I'm jealous,"

Hermione says, twisting her curls around her finger.

"Well, lots of oil, always braid it into place, and bathe your hair once a week! An Indian
Ritual, if you ask us," Parvati says, as Padma nods, combing Hermione's hair.

"But you've got nothing to worry about Hermione, your hair's perfect too. It used to be frizzy earlier, but you've groomed it well," Padma says, brushing her untamed curls.

"Well, not nearly as nice as yours, that's for sure," Hermione says, smiling at them.

"Well, not nearly as nice as yours, that's for sure," Hermione says, smiling at them

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Which is so true.

"You guys can stop moaning about your hair, while I barely have any. My hair's so unhealthy, runs in Weasley blood I guess," Ginny says solemnly.

"Not at all Ginny, I like your hair, it's got good style," Angelina says, ruffling her hair.

"Not at all Ginny, I like your hair, it's got good style," Angelina says, ruffling her hair

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Ginny smiles slightly.

"Alright. I'm done with everything people. Let's get some rest," Hermione says, turning the lights off.

For some reason, she feels off, as she crashes onto her bed. Countless thoughts fly around inside her little mind.

First day of third year, yet already so many things happening.

Fred flirting with her, Ron, for some reason, being jealous, and Draco, ignoring her?

Hermione wonders why. They did part on good terms, didn't they?

Well, talking it out with him seems like the only good option for her to solve this problem.

Even if it, let's just say, leads to damage.

Even if it, let's just say, leads to damage

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