3) Nostalgia

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"Anything from the trolley dearies? We've almost arrived, so make a purchase to take goodies with you to Hogwarts," The trolley lady says, opening the compartment door.

"Anything from the trolley dearies? We've almost arrived, so make a purchase to take goodies with you to Hogwarts," The trolley lady says, opening the compartment door

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Ron looks at Harry hopefully.

Harry smiles awkwardly,

"Um, yes please. What would you like Ron? And you, Hermione?" Harry asks, smiling.

"Well, for starters, a chocolate frog, and some exploding bon bons if you will please!" Ron says, smiling hopefully.

"I'm good, thanks," Hermione says, flipping through a book.

"Okay then, a chocolate frog box and a box of exploding bon bons, it is," Harry says to the lady, but ends up buying a bunch of other stuff as well

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"Okay then, a chocolate frog box and a box of exploding bon bons, it is," Harry says to the lady, but ends up buying a bunch of other stuff as well.

"Nothing for yourself, dear?" She asks, picking out the stuff.

"No, not today thanks," Harry says.

"Oh c'mon! Honestly, don't make me feel bad that I was the only one out of the two of you to pick out something!" Ron wails.

"No, honestly. You take it Ron," Harry says. Hermione giggles.

Ron frowns at her, but stays silent.

"Thanks," Harry says to the lady as she walks away.

"Alright then, here you go," Harry says, handing over the delicious goodies to Ron ooh yummy yum yum.

"Alright then, here you go," Harry says, handing over the delicious goodies to Ron ooh yummy yum yum

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