Book One Water Chapter 6

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Katara(narrating):Water. Earth. Fire. Air. A long time ago the most complete harmony reigned in the world, then everything change when the Fire Nation decide to attack. Only the Avatar the Avatar master of all four elements could stop it but when the world needed him most he disappeared. A hundred years have passed and my brother and I have found the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang but despite his ability in airbending he still has a lot to learn but I'm sure Aang can save the world.

[With Aang, Katara and Sokka]

The group flies in the sky on Appa's back.

Katara:Those clouds look so soft you want to jump on them as if they were enormous mattresses made of soft cotton.

Sokka:Maybe you should give it a try.

Katara:Really funny.

Aang:I'll try! *laugh*

Aang jumps off Appa and go through a cloud, then returns to Appa completely soaked.

Aang:To me they look like they're made of water.

Aang uses airbending to dry his clothes.

Katara:Hey what is that?

Sokka:It looks like a huge scar.


The three land in the middle of a burnt forest.

The three land in the middle of a burnt forest

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Sokka:Listen, there is such a calm. There is no life form.

Katara:Aang are you okay?

Sokka:The Fire Nation!

Sokka sees footprints of soldiers in the ground.

Sokka:Those savages make me sick, they have no respect for-


Sokka:*whisper* Am I not allowed to be angry?

Katara points out to Sokka how sad Aang is, who sits on the ground, lifting the ash on the ground with his hand and then make it passing through his fingers.

Aang:Why would anyone do this? How could I allow it.

Katara:Aang, it's not your fault. This has nothing to do with you.

Aang:But it's exactly like this, it's the Avatar's job to protect nature but I don't know where to start.

Katara:That's why we're going to the north pole. to find you a teacher.

Aang:A teacher for waterbending, but no one can teach me how to be the Avatar. Gyatso had told me that Avatar Roku would help me.

Sokka:The Avatar who preceded you? He died more than a hundred years ago, how could you talk to him?

Aang:I have no idea.

Momo climbs onto Aang's legs and he starts pet him.

[With Zuko]

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