Book One Water Chapter 2

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Katara(narrating):Water. Earth. Fire. Air. A long time ago the most complete harmony reigned in the world, then everything change when the Fire Nation decided to attack. Only the Avatar master of all four elements could stop it but when the world needed him most he disappeared. A hundred years have passed and my brother and I have found the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang but despite his ability in airbending he still has a lot to learn but I'm sure Aang can save the world.

[Souther Water Tribe]

Aang and Katara return to the tribe which await them.

Kids:Yes Aang is back!

The children immediately run to Aang.

Sokka:I knew it! With that flare you sent a signal to the Fire Nation you're landing them straight to us!

Katara:You're wrong Aang didn't do anything! It was an accident.

Aang:Yeah, we got on the ship and suddenly an explosive trap had us...well, we end up in it.

Gran Gran:Katara you shouldn't have gotten on that ship, now we could all be in danger.

Aang:Don't blame Katara I brought her there, is my fault.

Sokka:Ha ah! The traitor confessed! Warriors move away, the stranger is banished from our village.

The children sadly move away from Aang.

Katara:Sokka you making a big mistake.

Sokka:No I am keeping the promise I made to our father, I will protect you from threats like him.

Katara:Aang is not our enemy! Can't you see Aang brought us something we haven't had in years, fun.

Sokka:We can't fight the firebenders with fun!

Aang:You sould try it sometime.

Sokka:Get out of the village now.

Katara:Grandma please don't let Sokka do this.

Gran Gran:You know that going on that ship was forbidden, Sokka is right I think it's best for the airbender to leave.

Katara:Fine! Then I leave too, come on Aang let's go.

Katara grabs Aang arm and walk towards Appa.

Sokka:What do you plan to do?

Katara:I'm going to find a waterbender, Aang promiseed to take me to the North Pole.

Aang:Really, amazing.

Sokka:Katara? I can't believe you chose him over your tribe, over your own family.

Aang:Katara I don't want to come between you and your family.

Katara:Do you mean you want to leave the South Pole? Is this a goodbye?

Aang:Thanks for helping me go penguin riding.

Katara:Where will you go?

Aang:I'Il go home and look for the I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years, maybe it's time to do it.

Aang jump in the air and land on Appa head.

Aang:It was nice to meet you.

Sokka:Now let's see how your bison flies, air boy.

Aang:Come on Appa you can do it, yip yip!

Appa only rise from the ground.

Sokka:Just as I immagined.

A little girl starts crying and runs next to Katara.

Little Girl:Aang don't go I'Il miss you.

Aang:I'Il miss you too....come on buddy.

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