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"And stay out!" A man with long black hair tied half up, physically shoved an earth bender to the dirt outside of a pub as people were yelling in the back.

"I'll tell everyone about this so called sanctuary! I'll get those soldiers!" The drunk slurred as he couldn't get to his feet yet.

The bar owner slammed his foot into the man's ribs and set him back more.

"Call those soldiers and I'm coming for your head, I know everything about you Jin," the young man crossed his arms glaring down at him.

"Get lost, you're not welcomed back," he told him coldly.

"Ah I won't be back Lee, this place is shit anyways," the drunk spat blood on the ground.

"Your shit! Go away!" A four year old tried running out to attack the man but the young man grabbed the back of the kids shirt to hold him back.

"Ren I said watch your language," his father told him with a sigh.

"He called our pub shit, let me at him pops," the four year old tried to run but his father grip was strong.

"Better get going Jin, this kids past his bed time, he's rabid," the father said unamused and Jin flipped them both off as he stumbled to leave.

Ren used both his little hands to flip the man off behind his back.

"Stop with that," the black haired man picked up his child and threw him over his shoulder as ren giggled a little. Still flipping the man off now that his dad couldn't see.

"Yuna he got lose," he sighed sitting the child on the counter of the bar as people cooed and laughed at the child. The star of the bar for the night.

"You got back up why complain?" The earth bender that was his bartender smiled.

"No more jerks tonight!" Ren stood on the bar raising his two fists high. Everyone yelled cheering for the child as his father covered his face embarrassed.

"Bedtime for you," he placed his son over his shoulder again.

"Ren ren ren!" The bar crowd cheered as he was taken away and cheered with them.

Ren cackled as he was put down to go up the stairs to their home as his father closed the door behind them still hearing his customers cheer his son's name.

"You sir sure now how to rile people up," Zuko chuckled as his four year old ran up the stairs.

"Did you see how scared that jerk was pops? He knew we would kick his a-" "I said no more cussing," Zuko placed his hand over the child's mouth.

Ren offered flipping his father off.

"No more middle finger either, what's wrong with you?" Zuko placed his other hand over rens hand.

"Fiiiiine," ren threw his head back.

"Thank you, now go get ready for bed, is your brother still sleeping?" Zuko asked patting the top of his head.

They both heard a cry from the side in the bedroom and harsh coughing following.

"Papaaaaa," a weak voice sobbed and Zuko immediately went into the bedroom where there was two beds but one had another four year old.

"Hey baby, I'm here," Zuko knelt down to him as the child sat up coughing so hard he couldn't breathe well.

"Papa it hurts!" The boy reached for him and Zuko didn't hesitate to pick up his other son. His twin boys were his whole world.

"Shhh it's okay, shh shh just breathe," he rubbed his back as the little boy clung onto his whimpering, Zuko soothed him as ren brought his brother a cup of water.

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