Snake Boy

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???? POV

Hello my name is Carl I'm a Naga I don't know how long it's been but when the angels came father hid me in this cave and then blocked it off. Ever since then at the same routine wake up, hunt for critters, look around for father, check if rocks have been moved, try to break rocks, go to sleep and repeat.

Today I got up to do my usual routine I was able to catch a small mouse today. I couldn't find my father but I heard noise coming from the front of the cave I watched from distant as a rock slowly was be removed. I was fascinated about what was about what was happening.

It took a while for all the rocks to disappear then two men came in one looked like a sea animals and the other look like a human. They start to walk through the cave I went out to a greet them but as soon as they saw me the sea animal looking one hit me with some sharp water.

It startled me so much that I hit the human looking one. As soon as I saw the red liquid I couldn't stop myself I lunge towards them. They ran away from me and they went to the opening of the cave I followed in pursuit behind them so I can get out before they closed up the cave again.

When I got out of the cave I was immediately blinded by the big white ball in the sky. As soon as I was able to recover my vision I saw him White wings and a golden Halo I knew just by looking at him it was an angel.

Father told me all about angels they said they were really nice and they always looked after our kind. "An angel." Was all I could get out. I immediately pounced on him wrapping my arms and tail around him. "Hey get off of me let go." He yelled at me as he fell on the ground.

I was so happy I never got to see his kind before because father didn't want anybody to know I existed. He said I was an abomination but that's fine. "Me is Carl. " I said well I tried to say at least.

Jax's POV

As this Naga pounced on me causing me to fall to the floor I yelled at him to let me go. Spoiler alert he didn't. He introduced himself as Carl and it kept saying you angel. At least this was better than dying.

I was able to push off um Carl. After doing that I ordered everybody to run back to the camp. I thought we hadn't been followed but I was pounced on again. "Why does the angel go?" He asked.

And this is only the beginning of my troubles. "Carl was it. Do you think you can go get my crew a giant bird blue feathers a beak that's pink with green polka dots on it oh and neon blue feet?" I started to say "I heard that it's really rare I really need it." As soon as I finish speaking his face lit up immediately nodded and slithered off to who knows where the bird probably didn't even exist he's probably going to be searching for up until we leave.

After he left me and my team looked around and found a new species of bat and a new species of fish and a few new species of plant. We were about to leave when we heard something smack on the ground. We looked around to find Carl with a giant bird with blue feathers a pink beak with green polka dots and neon blue feet. "Me found." He said smiling.

I was beyond flabbergasted I just said that to get him off my ass shit what am I going to do with this now. I let out a sigh. I told my crew to get onto the plane. But I was immediately yanked backwards right before I was able to get on. This thing was holding on to me I tried to push him off but he wouldn't come off.

One of my men yelled and hit him with a tranquilizing dart we decided to take him with us cause why not. As soon as we got back to the capital Nova Lex. After we split the money we got from everything they left me with Carl. I had to go take him back to my house. Where Tessa greeted me "what's up slut finally back from your trip I see and bring someone home dang." My annoying roommate said I retorted saying. "Imagine being flatter than a male couldn't be me." I snickered as she dramatically gasped.

All of a sudden Carl shot up and he looked around the room shocked. He nervously asked "Where me." I kinda forgot about him. "Hey it's okay don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." As soon as I said that his dilated pupils soften at first they were slit like a cat and now they're big and round like a puppy heh cute wait what I don't even know him.

"Okay let's get the basics started first what is your name and what are your pronouns." He looked up at me and said "Carl me they/them." "OMG I've been thinking of them as a he I feel so bad." I said shaking Tessa " dude come on everybody makes mistakes and I have known their pronouns just by looking at them." She said trying to comfort me.

I heard the door open and saw Carl running out the house. I was about to run after them but he came back in literally right when I was going to go out. He was holding a fish in his mouth. It was actually a really rare fish where did he get that? Wait a minute I've been looking for this if I were to turn this in I could be paid millions.

Carl slither up to me and dropped it into my hand their tail was wagging. Then I heard Tessa laughing her ass off. I turned to her and said "What's so funny,bitch I'm finna to be a millionaire." She was laughing so hard at this point that she had fallen off the couch. She said to me still laughing "You don't know that's how Nagas propose they usually propose to people who saved their lives though and if nobody saved them it's either arranged marriage." My jaw dropped well I just might technically I did save him but marriage? I was not ready for marriage I tried to tell him that I didn't actually want to marry him but Tessa told me that I had to have immediately thrown down the fish offering to decline the marriage.

"Fish means no marriage how then." Carl asked. Then Tessa said the most stupidest thing I've ever heard her saying my life. "Money you need lots of money." I started to scold her I heard the door open again and Carl fleeing to who knows where.

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