First Day

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Me and Alan are still standing there astonished by what's all around us by the time this man waddles up to us and says, "Come with me."

I made eye contact with Alan for a split second before we comply and follow him into a room.

As soon as I look at my surroundings, I'm instantly filled with dread. Orange jumpsuits surround us all on racks.

The man who brought us here introduced himself as Mr. Sir and explained the rules and gave us our clothes.

Once we were changed another man came in who went by the name of Pendanski.

One shared look with Alan and I instantly knew that we thought the same. Pendanski is a weirdo.

Anyways, he basically dragged us around camp and gave us a tour. But then he brings us to a tent.

"Ivana, Alan, this is D tent. Where you will be staying."

He then introduces everyone, but they all correct him with weird names like magnet and armpit. The only name that isn't corrected is Zero.

Once he finished introductions he  left us. So now me and Alan are sitting my so called bed while everyone examines us.

Finally I get bored and lay down with Alan still next to me looking confused.

"Ivy, what are you doing?"

" I'm tired of this little staring contest going on, so I'm laying down."

He doesn't seem to know what to say to that so all he does is nod his head. But then one of them speaks up. I think his name is x-ray.

"SO. What'd yall do to get in here?"

Before Alan can speak up and tell them about our business I cut him off.

"That's none of your concern."

X-ray just scoffs at that and says okay while everyone is still staring at me.until I have enough.

"Why are yall staring? Don't you have better things to do?"

Armpits the first to respond.

"Honestly we really don't. But we're staring because your a girl.  And most of us haven't seen one in a really long time."

All I do is nod my head because I understand. That's when an alarm goes off. Then everything went dark.

I cling to Alan in the darkness.

"Whats going on?" Alan says.

Somewhere in the darkness someone answers.

"Lights out. It's bed time boys. We'll. And girl."

That receives a few snickers but then everyone settles down and goes to sleep.

Me and Alan are still sitting up on my bed until I lay down and pull him down besides me.

There ain't no way I'm sleeping on my own without protection in a room full of boys. And Alan seems to understand that because  he says nothing as we settle in and eventually go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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