010 ┊❛ assault charge ❜

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real life


JACKIE stares at the floor, having to bite her tongue to stop herself from saying something she'd end up regretting. see, the man was still getting beat when mr cleveland came out of his office, startled by the noise. he ignored everything happening around them, deciding to pull jackie away from the scene. he took her into his office and has been giving her. lecture ever since — talking about how she shouldn't be acting so impulsively, blah blah.

she admits that she had acted irrationally and should have thought things through more than she did. but jackie refuses to apologize. the man deserved what he'd gotten. plus, she wasn't the one who did the majority of the damage. jackie only landed one punch before it all went up in flames. chris must have done a hundred times worse than she did, at bare minimum.

"you can't be wearing a uniform that represents my club if you act like this." mr cleveland says, his voice coming out so sharply that it sends shivers down jackie's spine.

"are you firing me?" she asks.

she'll be upset, of course. she enjoys her job here, and will miss the experience of being a barista and getting to know so many customers. but if he decides to get rid of her, she won't blame him for it. honestly, if she were him, she would have been fired the moment she punched a customer. regardless of the situation, that's not okay.

"no." he says, taking her by surprise. "however, if you happen to step a single toe out of line, i won't hesitate to leave you unemployed."

jackie nods, "understood."

"good." he replies, sitting across from her at his desk. his arms are crossed over his chest the way they always are as he wears his signature scowl. the only source of light in his office comes from a dull, yellow lamp sitting on the surface of his desk. the lack of light causes his face to be even more scary looking. it highlights every single crease in his skin, seeming to deepen his glare further than she'd thought was possible.

with that, he waves a dismissive hand at her — which signals that she's free to leave. jackie hops out of the chair without hesitation, rushing out of the room quickly.

but when she's back out in the bar, the club looks completely calm. she assumed that most of the customers would have been scared off due to the fight, but she didn't expect it to be this empty. she scans the crowd for chris, but he's nowhere to be seen. jackie's not sure if she should be relieved at this or not, so she just returns to the bar.

𝑭𝑰𝑿 𝒀𝑶𝑼 - 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now