vs Invaders From Mars!

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All is silent at the deserted Wasling Farm. Our heroes wait patiently in the tree line.

Their attention is drawn skywards as a flying saucer emerges from the dark clouds, gliding to a stop beside the big, red barn.

Mike pulls out a notebook and pen. "'Dragon'. 'Robot'. 'Ghost'."

"What are you doing?" whispers Chris.

"Adding 'Alien' to my list."

"Let's not jump to-"

A ramp descends from the belly of the craft and a group of purple creatures emerge.

Mike adds 'Alien' to his list.

Our heroes' watch the aliens cross the field and begin setting up some strange equipment.

"Should we stop them?" says Mike.

Chris stands and makes his way over. Mike shakes his head and hurries after his friend.

"Excuse me," says Chris to the aliens. "Do you have permits?"

The aliens all turn, ray guns raised.

Our heroes should have perished then and there, but fortune was with them that night, fortune in the form of the galaxies greatest hero.

The sound of thunder precedes the arrival of Roy Rocket, defender of the galaxy. He touches down and salutes Chris and Mike before turning his attention to the invaders.

"You have until the count of urkmircs to get the hell of this planet."

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