Fantasies ...

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Restless, I toss and turn in the lavish bed, the embrace of sleep eluding me.

After a few futile attempts at finding a comfortable position, I sense a warm hand sliding up my waist, drawing me closer.

A groggy voice groans in my ear as the hand explores, its touch both comforting and tantalizing.

Drax lies behind me, his sturdy frame pressing firmly against mine, his hands tracing teasing patterns across my body.

His comforting presence soothes my restless mind, causing my eyelids to flutter in response.

A soft groan escapes my lips as his hands venture lower, his touch gentle yet provocative as they caress my inner thigh with a mixture of innocence and desire.

I feel a rush of warm breath on my neck as Drax inches closer, his lips hovering tantalizingly close before softly pressing kisses against my skin. Each kiss sends a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire within me as desire blooms in the air.

A soft moan escapes my lips as Drax's kisses trail along my skin, each touch sending ripples of pleasure coursing through me. My response doesn't go unnoticed by him; instead, it seems to fuel his passion as he intensifies his assault on my neck.

He alternates between gentle caresses and fervent bites, leaving a trail of sensation from my neck to my jaw and down to my shoulder. Each bite elicits a gasp or a whimper, as the line between pleasure and pain blurs in the haze of desire.

Meanwhile, his hands continue their exploration, teasing and tantalizing as they inch closer to the sensitive area protected by the pudge of my thighs. With each movement, they navigate the curves of my body, seeking out that elusive sweet spot, their touch both relentless and electrifying.

The sensation is almost too surreal to comprehend – a towering Volmerian man pressed intimately against me, his large fingers finding their way beneath the fabric of my panties.

Anticipation builds within me, a heady mix of desire and longing, as I eagerly await the impending pleasure. But just as quickly as it arises, it dissipates, shattered by the intrusion of my own thoughts.

1:38 am.

With a start, I jolt awake, my heart racing as I sit up in bed, disoriented and bewildered by the remnants of the dream lingering in my mind.

"Oh God, did I just... have a wet dream about a Volmerian?" I mutter to myself, my voice tinged with panic and disbelief.

Slowly, I gather the courage to investigate, sliding my hand beneath my dress to the space between my thighs. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks as I pull back my fingers – they're soaked with evidence of my arousal.

A wave of embarrassment washes over me, thickening the air around me as I bury my face in my hands, chastising myself for succumbing to such carnal desires. "Oh, I am pathetic," I whisper to myself, the weight of my own shame pressing down upon me.

After a moment of wallowing in self-pity, I find that the residual arousal lingering within me refuses to dissipate.

Contemplating my options, I finally give in to the throbbing ache between my legs, a primal urge demanding release.

With hesitant fingers, I spread my legs apart, creating space for my own exploration. Gently, I slide my fingers between my thighs, tracing delicate patterns along the sensitive skin.

With each teasing touch, I feel the tension within me mounting, begging for release. Succumbing to the irresistible pull of desire, I grant myself permission to delve deeper.

Slowly, I ease two fingers into the wet warmth of my own body, gasping at the sensation of fullness and the electric jolt of pleasure that courses through me.

Sensual thoughts of him dance through my mind, igniting a wildfire of desire that consumes my every thought. I find myself unable to resist the vivid imaginings of his touch, his lips, his hands exploring every inch of my body.

With each stroke, each caress, I lose myself in a haze of pleasure, fingers moving with practiced precision as I navigate the curves of my own desire. Time seems to stretch endlessly as I delve deeper into the depths of ecstasy.

As the sensation of climax draws near, I'm forced to stifle the mounting cries of pleasure that threaten to spill from my lips. With my free hand pressed firmly against my mouth, I muffle the sounds of ecstasy, determined to keep my indiscretions hidden from prying ears.

The mixture of my own wetness and saliva coats my fingers, creating a slick sensation that only serves to heighten my arousal. My legs tremble with anticipation as the wave of climax crashes over me, threatening to engulf me in its powerful embrace.

I clench my teeth, my grip around my mouth tightening, despite the slippery barrier of saliva.

A chorus of muffled whimpers escapes past the blockade of my hand, the intensity of pleasure too overwhelming to contain.

The aftershocks of my orgasm reverberate through my body, evident in the trembling of my legs as I bask in the aftermath of pleasure.

With trembling lips, I withdraw my fingers from between my thighs, a shiver coursing through me at the lingering sensation.

Reclining back against the soft bedding, I let out a shaky breath, my soaked hand coming to rest over the edge of the bed as I attempt to steady myself.

Peering out into the dimly lit living room, I catch a glimpse of the man who had inspired my fantasies, peacefully asleep. A rush of heat floods my cheeks as I recall the vivid images that had played out in my mind just moments before.

As exhaustion begins to wash over me, I find myself drifting on the edge of consciousness, the intense activity having left me physically and emotionally spent. With a contented sigh, I surrender to the embrace of sleep, the weight of my fantasies lingering in the air around me.

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