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At the Treble house, loud music could be heard, Y/n wasn't planning on drinking again for a second night in a row

But here he was sipping on some disgusting cheap alcohol, he was trying to drink light to keep an eye on Donald who was currently drunk

Y/n left to refill his cup but when he came back he found Donald passed out on the couch, he smiled and took him in his arms

He held Donald bridal style and started walking towards Donald's room, he felt Donald moving and looked down to see Donald trying to bury himself closer to Y/n's chest

Y/n smiled and kept walking eventually finding Donalds room, he closed the door and put Donald on his bed

He took off Donalds shoes and glasses and the Treblemakers jacket and covered him with his blanket

He ran his fingers through Donalds hair and smiled at how cute Donald looks when he's asleep, he was about to get up but he felt Donald's hand holding his wrist

"Don't leave me alone"
Donald whispered

"I gotta go Don"
Y/n whispered back

Donald had a strong confident outer wall, he makes it seem like he doesn't really care about anything, like he prefers to be alone but don't really mind company at the same time

His personality always intrigued Y/n it was one of the many things that drew Y/n towards Donald

"I don't want to be alone"
Donald whispered tears on the verge of falling from his deep brown eyes

"Don't worry, i'm not gonna leave you"
Y/n said using his fingers to wipe Donalds eyes

Y/n started playing with Donalds hair again and held his hand till he fell asleep with a small smile on his face

"I'll never leave you Donald"
Y/n said giving Donald a forehead kiss

Y/n stood up and began thinking about what he should do, should he go back to his Dorm with Andrew? Or should he stay with Donald?

Y/n eventually decided to stay the night with Donald, he took off his shoes and jacket and got into Donalds bed hoping and praying to the gods that Donald wouldn't mind it when he wakes up sober

Donald asked his eyes half open

"I'm right here"
Y/n said

Donald moved from his spot on his pillow to laying on Y/n's chest, Y/n felt like he was about to blow up, nonetheless he wrapped a hand around Donald's back and he put his other hand in Donalds hair

"Thank you"
Donald said as his eyes shut

Y/n didn't say anything back, he was too afraid to ruin the moment, he held Donald in his arms and closed his eyes, soon falling asleep too

Y/n awoke first, the morning sun beaming in through the window and onto the two boys on the bed

Y/n looked at the sleeping boy in his arms, in the same position as they went to sleep, he smiled and looked at his face his gorgeous brown skin glowing in the sunlight

Y/n looked at Donalds hair, it looked so soft Y/n couldn't help but run his fingers through said hair, he heard Donald groan and try to bury himself further into Y/n's chest

"Five for minutes"
Y/n heard Donald groan

All of a sudden Donald jumped up once he realized someone is in his bed, he immediately held his head and groaned at the terrible hangover he had, Y/n sat up and put a hand on Donald's back slowly rubbing it in circles

"Take it easy Don"
Y/n said

Donald asked removing his hands from his head and seeing Y/n

"Good morning to you too"
Y/n said with a smile

"How?, why did you sleep here?"
Donald asked confused

"Well you got really drunk last night and asked me not to leave you alone"
Y/n said his voice almost like a whisper

Donald wasn't used to people sleeping with him, well sleeping with him yes, but spending the night? No he wasn't used to that at all

He never cuddled with someone and never had someone waiting for him when he woke up in the morning

"And you stayed?"
Donald asked

"Of course i did"
Y/n said

"Like i said last night, i'll never leave you Don"
Y/n said with a soft smile on his face

Donald was feeling weird, sure he had a crush on Y/n and he liked the back and forth flirting they did but cuddling and sleeping together on the same bed? Donald thought Y/n would hate him if he ever brought that up

"You okay?"
Y/n asked concerned

"You cuddled with me"
Donald said randomly

"Yea did that make you uncomfortable, i'm sorry its jus-"
Y/n started ranting but Donald interrupted him

"No no, I wasn't uncomfortable its just that, i never did that before"
Donald said

"Oh, well I did it a few times with some friends from high school, i told them i like cuddles and physical affection in general and they didn't mind it, it was all platonic"
Y/n said

Donald said

"So its not awkward?"
Donald asked

"Of course not, unless you make it awkward"
Y/n said laughing a bit

"Yea yea"
Donald said laughing a bit too

"Everyone needs a good cuddle every now and again sometimes when i'm hangover i just need a hug and it helps me relax and it eases the pain"
Y/n said

"And its never awkward?"
Donald asked

"No never is"
Y/n said

"But what about the flirting?"
Donald asked

Y/n got visibly confused at this question and thought about it before responding

"I mean we can stop if you want"
Y/n said a bit sad he thought this was Donald being weirded out by him

"But i did have flirtatious friends back in high school too, i was a bit popular, but at the end of the day we were just friends who flirted and cuddled together, both parties involved enjoyed it and felt comfortable and safe"
Y/n said

"No no i don't mind it"
Donald quickly said

"I just never had someone to cuddle with, i mean i've always wanted to try it but I thought it was only for relationships"
Donald said

"Its not, they are several different ways friends can show love and affection some are similar to relationships but it doesn't exactly mean they are together it could mean they are close or comfortable enough with each other to do so"
Y/n said

"Anyways i should probably go, i forgot to text Andrew"
Y/n said getting out of the bed and looking for his shoes

"So its not weird between us? The flirting and the cuddling?"
Donald asked

"No, i love and appreciate you Donald your an amazing person your this mysterious guy with a strong and confident outershell but i knew people with similar traits who deep down just wanted someone to let go with, to drop the act of being strong to just be able to relax and not be laughed or teased at for it"
Y/n said

"Well i'm gonna go if you ever want to do this again you can just ask okay?"
Y/n asked

Donald said trying to process everything

"Bye pretty boy"
Y/n said leaving the room with a smile

Donald felt himself turn red at the comment and he sat there trying to process everything that just went down

"Are Y/n and I together?, he said i could call him to cuddle again, is it weird?, does he like me?, do i like having someone to let myself go with?"
These questions ran through Donalds head trying to understand how he was feeling

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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