The riff off

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Y/n woke up with a groan, his head was pounding his stomach was twisting and turning, Y/n immediately got up and ran towards the bathroom, throwing up all the alcohol he consumed last night

After Y/n was finished, he flushed the toilet and brushed his teeth, he walked back into the main area of their dorm and saw Andrew

"There he is, how you feeling?"
Andrew asked

Y/n said while opening his arms and hugging Andrew which caught him off guard

"Woah man you okay?"
Andrew ask hugging Y/n

Y/n had his head buried in Andrew's neck and was taking in his scent, he felt comfortable and safe with Andrew as if he has known him forever

The two stood there hugging for a minute or two till Y/n backed away

"Sorry about that, i just needed a hug, my head's killing me and hugs make me feel safe and comfortable, I can relax and it helps ease the pain"
Y/n said rubbing his eyes

"Its all good, you give excellent hugs"
Andrew said

"Thanks man you too"
Y/n said

"What happened last night?"
Andrew asked

"I don't remember anything after i took that drink from Donald, that was so strong why did i do that?"
Y/n asked

"Donald was actually the one who brought you back here"
Andrew said

"Excuse me?"
Y/n asked

"Yea, after i helped him put you in bed, you apologized for being an issue and said you love us both"
Andrew said laughing

"Oh my god, why would i do that?"
Y/n asked

"I don't know but i think he's into you, he said your so easy to get along with, he felt like he's know you all his life and you make him talk more than he usually does oh and you get extra cuddly when your drunk"
Andrew said

"Oh no why me?"
Y/n asked laying on his stomach and burying his face into his pillow

"Well i agree with him, your so easy to get along with dude, i know its only been like 3 days since we've met but i feel safe around you, I feel like i know you more than you know yourself and i feel like you know me more than i do, i trust you with my life, communication is so easy with you"
Andrew said while taking out two tydonal and handing Y/n who placed it on his desk

"I feel the same way about you, you take care of me more than i take care of myself and i really do love you for that, your like the best friend i never had"
Y/n said

"Well i'm here now"
Andrew said

Y/n heard his phone buzz as he got a text and checked it

Donald:hey man you up?

Y/n:yea dude whats up?

Donald:how's the hangover?

Y/n:awful :(

Donald:that's expected, you really went all out last night

Y/n: i don't remember a single thing, did i do anything embarrassing?

Donald:No i was there making sure you don't

Y/n:oh my god i love you for that, if i did do something embarrassing i would probably drop out

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